I'm not saying anything other than it seems a shame that we saw our competition together one time last year at JamFest Nationals. And then it was less than 1/2 of the teams in the division at Worlds. So right now there is no structure to the Regionals and Nationals, and that clearly is a product of the evolution of the sport and promotors and agendas. I do believe the vast number of pertinent competition companies are basically now owned by Varsity and JamFest and beg my igonorance about the West Coast but they sure are making waves in Cheer so that is clearly an area of growth. In that situation, instead of 20 competition companies, you are now dealing with what 2-4 if you throw in CheerSport that seems to be very close to Varsity now. Don't get bogged down by my original suggestion, but if only briefly think of what a boon to the Industry a "regular season" of competition would be to the sport. Right now, I'm afraid there is no reason or motivation to really go to multiple Nationals other than to support the gym business plan and I suppose the act of competition for the Worlds Divison team. And although I think the lower level teams and competitions are extremely important, in fact the very kids and parents that pay the bills for the Industry, I do not see them on ESPN. Level 5 is your prime product for general consumption. I personally was very disappointed in Worlds this year for reasons that are not important, but I think the sport needs new direction to become a more serious consideration. Structure, universal scoring, consistant judging, cultivated competitions and rivals fighting it out during the year would do a lot to dispel the "pagent nature" of a sport that seems caught in the past and not quite ready to move into prime time. My Reds play the teams in there divisin 18 times each for the right to get to the post season, the NFL, each team 2 times in their division. As do the major NCAA sports. All Star Cheer has not embraced that model, maybe it should not, but I think it's worth thinking about.