All-Star 2013-2014 New Uniforms

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I guess because when I first started all-star and was directly told what kind of underwear to wear under my uniform, I never thought about it. Yes I do wear the aforementioned underwear, but I also wear nike pros under my uniform. My uniform is in no way "overly revealing," I just don't like underwear lines. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I would never think of any other underwear for competitions.

I usually, but not always, wear a thong under my uniform. But I always wear a pair of of briefs or nike pros over the underwear and under the uniform. You can't even wear that underneath those leggings (though I probably would anyway).

I also wore a lime green sports bra at worlds once under our black uniform tops. Didn't even think about the fact that you could see it peeking out the neckline. Oops, too bad, it's not like it hurt our score.

Also, in regards to a no-pantyline rule - I'd almost rather see panty lines with yoga pants or leggings. With thongs you can pretty much see everything.
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Jumping in both feet:

1. I like the Cheer Savannah uniform; in fact, I've liked many of them. But not all (French maid).

2. A principal commenting on underwear lines is way out of the box. I could maybe see a principal complaining that unis were too tight and showing underwear, but not making requests to eliminate lines. Coaches maybe, not principals.

3. I'm tired of all cut outs and mesh and nude linings. This is from someone that thinks the uniform police should have gone away a long time ago. But I'm tired of the intentional effort to ramp up the sex appeal of the uniforms. If you're using nude mesh, you're trying to give the impression of skin. If you're using fishnet, you're trying to create a peep show of skin. I'm not opposed to skin as a general rule. I like the kids to look fit and athletic. But any excuse for tube tops or mesh up the thigh is invalid and I don't care what cultural differences you try to use.
Yes, here's a transformation picture from last year to this year... Glad to have a little creative influence over this years look. ;)
Given how much mystique was in last years they weren't so bad. But this years is just everything a junior uni should be. Im beyond obsessed with the bow..
The day I spend more time concerned with someone's underwear lines I'll let you know. I can honestly say that's not on my radar and I'll bet my paycheck it wasn't on that principals radar either.

Teenagers have a habit of creating their own "perfectly believable" totally unbelievable stories about what their administration has said, done or decided.

It's disheartening rational, critical thinking adults would buy that report hook line and sinker when it doesn't even sound rational and makes me sad for that principal since the same thing happens to me everyday from people who should 1) know better and 2) not assume I'm a complete idiot.
This is the last thing i'm going to say about this because I did hijack the thread and I apologize, but it is our middle school's policy and our principal did make that request of our teams. It wasn't some big issue within our school. She asked, coaches agreed, girls agreed, and that was the end. I really don't appreciate being made out like I made up the story. My main point was essentially it's not entirely unheard of to have an undergarment dress code in my area, whether or not you agree with it. Sorry to anyone I may have offended.
Sometimes I feel like everyone should have to wear a solid colored sports bra/ tank/tshirt with solid colored skirt/shorts/capri with a team name... Not that I'm not a fan of the bling and creativity and everything but it just doesn't seem athletic to me. Uniforms just look too costume-y
I do not agree whatsoever with the whole underwear lines nonsense, so to me hearing the 'we see lines you'll be asked to change' is interpreted as 'your clothing is waay too tight you shouldn't be wearing that to begin with.' not don't wear anything except a thong for underwear under your leggings uniform and yoga pants. In fact at one of the schools I went too yoga pants were not allowed as attire.
..... 'we see lines you'll be asked to change' is interpreted as 'your clothing is waay too tight you shouldn't be wearing that to begin with.' not don't wear anything except a thong for underwear under your leggings uniform and yoga pants.

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As a high school students that mainly wears leggings and yoga pants I personally don't think that rule in theory is a bad idea..but the fact that its dictating the comfort levels underwear wise of students is not okay. I do commend the principal for making that rule, it must have been an issue for some reason and instead of banning them she just added a rule.
but having to wear a thong while competing is not okay. I don't wanna wear one walking about but to compete?! ludicrous. I'd probably cry, a lot. I wanna wear my comfy undies and compete happy and not in a wedgie. (sorry that's a little TMI but just proving my point) okay im done...:oops:
I can't believe we've come to the point where we have to worry what undergarments the athletes can and cannot wear while in uniform. Listen, do you think I want to wear a thong while I'm tumbling or jumping or stunting or doing physical activity? Hellz to da no. Do you think I want to wear a bra with clear plastic straps or a nude bra? No, I want to wear my lucky bra that is bright purple. And I should be able to with no problem.

There are so many shenanigans going on in the cheer world right now and I'm about 3000% done with it. I'm so glad that 2010 was my last year cheering.
The only time I've ever had a coach suggest what kind of underwear to wear with a uniform was last year. All she said was "Girls, te white uniforms fit a little tighter so you might want to consider wearing underwear that won't show lines" I didn't think anything of it because I already wore underwear that didn't show lines and we're all in college so it doesn't seem as shocking of a thing to suggest to an adult as it would someone much younger. Can't believe there are rules in schools about no underwear lines...
I do not agree whatsoever with the whole underwear lines nonsense, so to me hearing the 'we see lines you'll be asked to change' is interpreted as 'your clothing is waay too tight you shouldn't be wearing that to begin with.' not don't wear anything except a thong for underwear under your leggings uniform and yoga pants. In fact at one of the schools I went too yoga pants were not allowed as attire.

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