Just to make life easier, can someone make a list of what we're allowed to talk about?
In the cheer athletics thread someone asked about a specific athlete (peyton maybe?) and we spent the next 3 pages reading about what a horrible person she must be for even asking, as that is just NOT done on the fierceboard. :rolleyes: Then someone asks on here about this Taylor something and everyone is all hugs and kisses and rainbows and she moved and we miss her. Sooooo... can we talk about athletes or not?
If we talk about THIS performance, it's "only October" and "look at how far they came from last year's showcase to worlds!" But if *we* bring up last year's worlds and say something negative then we're "haters" and it's over and so last year and we need to let it go. So if we want to talk about things from last year we can, as long as it's nice? But if it's negative then we should "move on because that was last year" - or we can always start our own thread.
My head hurts from rolling my eyes so hard at the hypocrisy in this thread. :rolleyes:
That being said, after watching the youth elite and junior elite videos, it doesn't look like the teal reign at the top is going to end any time soon. Just...wow.
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