SE Full Out from last night. Anybody that wants to critique it, please feel free. I'll pass it on to the team! Thank you!!! (I don't know why the video isn't attaching. I'm sorry!)
Senior Elite Full Out 4 16 15 - YouTube
Edited to add if you don't want to post here you can text it to me, I'll be happy to pass it along!!!
Great energy throughout the routine! I'm also impressed with the timing.
These are just some small things that I noticed:
- when they clap for their partnerstunts - feet together or feet apart - majority has them together, but not everyone
- watch spacing during the first stunt sequence. Some groups move out of the spot they're supposed to be in.
-transistions from stunt sequence to jumps: don't walk sideways
- during jumps: watch arm placement and arm movement (some motions need to be higher/lower) and some kids don't use the shortest way for their arm movements
- also during jumps: land with feet together and point your toes
- question for the first jump: all kids are supposed to face the corner, right? because some don't (or at least it appears as if they don't). Also clarify whether the kids are supposed to land facing the corner of if they are supposed to land facing the front after the first jump
- some kids need to get their arms glued to their sides while transitioning (especially those kids further in the back)
- bases: don't move your feet unless you absolutely have to while stunting
- pyramid: perfect the timing of the swedish fall transition.