OT 25 Facts

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1. I quit my high school cheer team my senior year because no one was motivated and the coach hated me (Graduated in '11, btw)
2. Now I am I college cheerleader
3. I might retire after this season due to an injury :(
4. My best friend is studying abroad in New Zealand and I miss him!
5. Last season I was the tallest (5'10) and the youngest (17 y/o) person on my team
6. My parents don't know about my boyfriend. Shhh!
7. Now that I'm 18, I realize it's totally overrated. Being an adult kinda sucks.
8. We get new uniforms every year and it sucks because they're hella expensive.
9. Speaking of which, I need to make a payment on said new uniform...
10. Living in on campus dorms is great - naps between classes? Yes please!
11. I may transfer to LSU next year (also why I may retire, 5'10 on a large coed? yeah right!)
12. I'm a math geek.
13. I taught my cat how to sit, stand, and shake on command.
14. I grew my hair out during the last half of my senior year, after having short hair my whole life, so it would be all long and pretty for college.
15. I love bows. I wear them to every single practice, whether its tumbling, competition, game day, whatever.
16. I love living in California and I'm an elitist about it. Everywhere else is like humid or boring. Except maybe Hawai'i. I could live there.
17. There's a new girl on my team who cheered at Stingrays and I want to talk to her all the time about it and I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm weird.
18. I really need to find a place to crash during summer practice like now otherwise I'm gonna be driving 3 hours one way to practice EVERY DAY.
19. My room at home is currently a disaster but I keep putting off cleaning it because I'm going back to college in like three weeks.
20. San Francisco Giants till I die.
21. I work at a restaurant and I work with idiots.
22. I'm currently rereading the entire HP series.
23. I'm a black belt. Before I did cheer, I did martial arts for 10 years.
24. Um. um. um. Ohh, I wore my new shoes today and got three compliments on them! :D
25. I just looked back at all of the numbers to make sure I didn't miss one.
1. i moved out of Raleigh NC to Dallas TX the soonest i possibly could and it was the best decision i ever made
2. my family thinks i hate them because of that..but that isnt the case
3. i love tattoos and piercings..especially piercings..im constantly thinking about what im going to get pierced next
4. im majoring in fashion merchandising..but i recently decided i want to teach 5th grade
5. i get bored of my haircolor every 3 months..im always dying it, i cant WAIT to get it done on february 17th, right before NCA
6. yes i planned that. i have wanted to go to NCA since i found out what it was (in 2007) and this is the first year i get to go. i couldnt be more excited
7. i dated the same guy for 2 and a half years. BIG mistake. i now have a new boyfriend and dont know how to handle it
8. i got into this relationship and things moved WAY too fast..i met his parents after we had been together for 4 days..now i want out but i dont know how.
9. my favorite designer is Betsey Johnson
10. this year in my classes we had to go around and say who our favorite designer was..in EVERY one of my classes at least 2 people said ed hardy. NEWS FLASH: A. ed hardy is NOT a designer..its a BRAND..youre in school for fashion..you of all people should know that. B. ed hardy is SO ghetto and extremely 2008. bye.
11. i contradict myself ALL the time.. and i hate it. but i dont do it on purpose..i just change my mind alot
12. today i got a fish. his name was augustus. i quickly came to my senses and renamed him findi..its so much more fitting since he will be living in a dorm with 2 fashion majors
13. i love absolutly everything that is pink and sparkly.
14. i wish my car was pink.
15. i drive a 2008 pontiac G6 and i absolutly love it. i dont care what you think
16. i hate people who dont abide by the eighty-thousand dollar rule..unless your car is worth more than eighty-thousand dollars..park it in ONE parking space. nobody cares about your 2004 3 series BMW..if you park in 2 spaces in a crowded parking lot or towards the front..i will kick your car..as hard as i possibly can. if you drive a bentley..feel free to take up however many spaces you like.
17. its 4:01 and i cant sleep. and while i was writing 16 i thought of 2 REALLY good ones..that i now forgot
18. i have the worst case of ADD i have ever come across. at LEAST 5 times a day i wonder off in the middle of a sentence. everyone thinks its so funny but it makes me want to cry..you have NO idea how frustrating it is to not be able to focus long enough to finish a sentence.
19. i competed in the 2008 dance worlds in open hip hop
20. i absolutly love shoes. especially heels and uggs. i worked at a high heel store for a year standing in 5 inch heels for 8 hours at a time..the dont hurt me at all. but i dont wear them unless im going out because i always feel out of place.
21. i LOVE doing hair and makeup. every time i leave my house someone compliments my makeup. and once a week at least one person asks me if i do makeup professionally.
22. i am absolutly obsessed with jersey shore. i watch all of the episodes on DVR or on demand at least twice a day.
23. i have a job at white house | black market but i havent worked in 3 weeks so i forget sometimes. i HATE it there. im the youngest one so everyone thinks im stupid. ive been working there for 6 months and i have women who have been there for 3 weeks trying to tell me what to do. look lady just because youre old enough to be my mother does NOT mean it is ok for you to tell me how to do my job
24. my dream job is to be a housewife. i love cooking and cleaning and being the perfect girlfriend. if youre happy, i'm happy.
25. this really made me want to do surveys on myspace.

same no joke
1. I have been in cheerleading for 8 years, yet i stink at it
2. I hate rec cheerleading
3. I'm in 2 AP middle school classes
4. I've never seen a pair of nfinities. Ever.
5. I only wear makeup on the competition floor.
6. I've only missed 5 practices in 8 years.
7. My Rec cheer friends think i'm an amazing tumbler..:confused:
8. My dog just walked across my back...
9. I attempted to make a cheer bow... Didn't turn out too good
10. I barely know any rules about cheerleading. And all the rules I do know are about tumbling ^_^
11. I'm 99% sure i'm going to do my first BHS today by my self
12. My dad insists i drive his old, '67 Jaguar XKE (Yes i know the exact name...oddly) And right now its in our Garage as he tries to turn it into a convertible...
13. My room is pink, and my mom wouldn't let me put sparkles in the paint.
14. I have a SLIGHT obsession with South Elite. Its not like i know all of their names or nothing...
15. I'm spoiled by my parents, yet they never cheer spoil me. They just buy me stuff to make me lazy...
16. My dad refuses to stunt with me :(
17. I just went on the trampoline w/ a sprinkler under it and now im soaked.
18. I can do every stunt position ^_^
19. I've done tons of sports. Cheer, Gymnastics, Dance, Figure Skating (i was actually really good!) Soccer, Softball, Tennis, and i finally settled that Cheer was my only true sport
20. I had an "Almost Needle" until i went to Band Camp, now its like gone
21. Chicago Bears are my families obsession.
22. I decide my clothes color on cheer teams. EX; Should i get the black and yellow swimsuit, or the green one? Black and Yellow, because its Top Gun.
23. I can play a ton of instruments (Trumpet, Drums, Piano, Clarinet, French Horn, Trombone, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Flute, Alto and Tenor Saxophone, Marimbas/Xylophone)
24. My favorite color is Glitter
25. I always buy things when they are 1st generation, then get angry when they come out with a better one
26. I purposely threw my phone against the walls to see if it'd break.. It hasn't. Its INDESTRUCTIBLE! :O
Those weren't very random, kinda. But mostly cheer related! :)
1. I'm from the Philippines and now I'm studying and living in Australia. (Hoping to get a permanent residency in due time)
2. I worked as call center agent before going to Australia
3. Seeing GA's 2006 worlds routine made me love cheerleading
4. I don't know how to drive. LOL
5. I'm a registered nurse back home (sadly, I can't use it now. Sucks)
6. I like dogs. Chowchows and huskies are my fave though I don't have either
7. Cheer music > pop/rap/whatever music. Hands down. It gets me going
8. I cannot live without social media
9. Never had a boyfriend
10. I have a weird laugh that's always funnier compared to every joke I throw
11. I always keep in close contact with my friends and family to keep me inspired
12. Chocolates are to die for. Yum! I feel sad to anyone who doesn't like 'em
13. I can cook but the taste depends on the mood I'm in but I make it to a point that it's a good balance between salty and sweet
14. I've never baked a thing besides that loaf that we did during sophomore year in highschool
15. Dancing has always been a form of recreation for me. Some people are shocked that I can pick up choreographey quick despite the fact that I weigh 98 kilos and haven't been dancing for quite some time
16. Pringles is my choice for chips. Original and cheese flavored ones are my fave
17. Iphone only. Sorry other brands. Y'all are not as good of an investment, IMO.
18. I love to take food pics, edit them and put 'em up on instagram. Follow me @jasonpagunsan
19. I enjoy watching vids from Charles Gross
20. I always check JTV's youtube channel for SE updates #tealarmy lol
21. I'm really friendly and fun to be with just don't mess with me or my friends or the claws will come out
22. I use twitter mainly to check updates/placements/bid awards at cheer comps
23. I always try to cut back on food expenses.
24. I'm left handed
25. I had a beef with my previous instructor but I think that he's just insecure 'coz everybody knows he's gay but his personality is as dull as dishwater
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Wow, I must have ADHD because I could not read pass 10 facts on each poster, Sorry!
Give 10 facts about me-
1. I was born in a small town in Georgia, this town was so small it did not have a stoplight. I moved to NJ when I was 5.

2. I grew up in NJ, I've always hated the cold winters and have serious plans to retire somewhere warm..

3. I have 2 Master's degree - MLS and Special Edu/Focused in Learning Disabilities and 2 BS degrees in Biology and Business Mgmt had aspirations to be an Hospital Administrator

4. Have 1 son (27 yo)with learning challenges and worked extremely hard and defied all expectations of the learning communities and 1 daughter (12) highly talented and blessed to seemingly achieve and surpass at everything she tries.

5. Worked in NYC's Financial District and was at work 2 blocks away from WTC during 9/11 and stuck in NY unable to leave for 2 days during 2003 Blackout and had a baby at home and a family that I could not contact. This experience gave me a different perspective of success and what life is all about and it does not include being the Mouse with the biggest cheese (most money)

6. Love watching cheerleading, but actually hate traveling and staying in STP hotels (hahaha). But love driving to local & regional competitions and the intimate conversations I enjoyed with my daughter.

7. Changed careers to teach Math&Science to special needs children because of my son. Teachers told me my son will never learn how to read pass 3rd grade level and forget about Math&Science. I taught my son myself and today, he is a college graduate. So I am hoping another Mom will never hear those drastic and low expectation news I heard.

8. Learned to play multiple musical instruments-Clarinet, Flute, Piano, Viola, Violin, Guitar and Soprano Saxophone. In HS, I played in the Marching Band, Orchestra and Jazz Bands and I tend to be the person that the Director would kick off a section and fill in wherever section needed a person with a pulse. Lol

9. I was told I have perfect pitch- I have very sensitive ears and I extremely hate to hear someone sing sharp, but I hate flat singing too, but sharp really tinges my eardrums...
10. I used to have a soft high pitch sounding voice...That's why some people started calling me Pebbles (like the baby on Flintstones) as a child.
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Wow, I must have ADHD because I could not read pass 10 facts on each poster, Sorry!
Give 10 facts about me-
1. I was born in a small town in Georgia, this town was so small it did not have a stoplight. I moved to NJ when I was 5.

2. I grew up in NJ, I've always hated the cold winters and have serious plans to retire somewhere warm..

3. I have 2 Master's degree - MLS and Special Edu/Focused in Learning Disabilities and 2 BS degrees in Biology and Business Mgmt had aspirations to be an Hospital Administrator

4. Have 1 son (27 yo)with learning challenges and worked extremely hard and defied all expectations of the learning communities and 1 daughter (12) highly talented and blessed to seemingly achieve and amass at everything she tries.

5. Worked in NYC's Financial District and was at work 2 blocks away from WTC during 9/11 and stuck in NY unable to leave during 2003 Blackout and had a baby at home and a family that I could not contact. This experience gave me a different perspective of success and what life is all about and it does not include being the Mouse with the biggest cheese (most money)

6. Love watching cheerleading, but actually hate traveling and staying in STP hotels (hahaha). But love driving to local & regional competitions and the intimate conversations I enjoyed with my daughter.

7. Changed careers to teach Math&Science to special needs children because of my son. Teachers told me my son will never learn how to read pass 3rd grade level and forget about Math&Science. I taught my son myself and today, he is a college graduate. So I am hoping another Mom will never hear these drastic and low expectation news I heard.

8. Learned to play multiple musical instruments-Clarinet, Flute, Piano, Viola, Violin, Guitar and Soprano Saxophone. In HS, I played in the Marching Band, Orchestra and Jazz Bands and I tended to be the person that the Director would kick off a section and fill in wherever section needed a person with a pulse. Lol

9. I was told I have perfect pitch- I have very sensitive ears and I extremely hate to hear someone sing sharp, but I hate flat singing too, but sharp really tinges my eardrums...
10. I used to have a soft high pitch sounding voice...That's why some people started calling me Pebbles (like the baby on Flintstones)
Your 5th fact :( I can't even imagine going through that - being so close to the attacks & not being able to contact your family. Bless your soul!
1. I loove doing these types of things!
2. Chicago is my favorite city, also where I'm from <3
3. I absolutely LOVE Arizona. Alot of people who live here claim to hate it, I'm like the only one who loves it. I honestly wouldn't mind living here for the rest of my life!
4. This year I started writing my fours like "4". Not where it looks like a "u" and "l" combined. Idk why I changed it I just think it looks cooler.
5. I too, love cheer music more than regular music. I get crap from my older sister and friends all the time but I don't care!
6. I love Miley Cyrus. I really really wanna meet her!
7. I'm a huge bookworm, I read 3 books a month. I spend more money on books than clothes.
8. I want to go to U of Arizona and hopefully cheer there. I'm majoring in Fashion Merchandising.
9. Gossip Girl is my favorite show. Then LOST, then Kardashians, then The Bachelor.
10. I've had the same bestfriend for almost 12 years now, she's lived in Dallas for 4 years now and we visit each other every year :)
11. I drive a Mazda 6.. I've gotten it towed twice. I hate driving now.
12. I sing a lot of the things I say. (not like legit singing, I don't really know how to explain it haha)
13. Hence is my favorite word.
14. Sour Patch Watermelon is my favorite candy. I don't really like chocolate, just the gummy stuff!
15. Once I start cleaning I can't stop.
16. I apparently have a strange accent. I've heard northern, southern (only when I'm in Chicago though), boston, minnesota. It's weird. I don't think I have any of those.. I talk normal haha.
17. I pick my split ends. I hateeeeeeeee it!!
19. I'm terrified of the ocean. And I can hardly swim.. I think it's because when I was 2 I fell into my pool and almost drowned :(
20. I laugh at everything. I'm not one of those people who just says that. If we ever meet you will see for yourself. It's actually quite annoying.
21. I have really dry skin. My hands look like granny hands. People tell me to put lotion on all the time..which I do, once an hour probably.
22. I'm a nice person, I don't understand how some people can be so mean! I love pretty much everyone I meet!
23. My birthday is July 23! Leo :leo:
24. I'm currently saving up for Worlds! Ahhhh :cheer:
25. I don't know what I would do without the Fierceboards! I hope it's still up while I'm in college so I can get all the All-Star updates! You guys are like my second family and I really wanna meet allll of you! :group hug:
I'll have to respectfully disagree with the Arizona thing. I've lived here my whole life, I love when it's winter and raining but once summer hits I can't leave my house.
@BHSVCGirl, tbh, I think every experience we have prepares and pushes us to work in the "gifts" God blessed us with. Before 9/11 and the 2003 Blackout, I was that mouse trying to amass material things and keeping pace with the Jones' but afterward, I took a 50% cut in pay to teach... That was more than 11 years ago and guess what, I am extremely happy and I am making more money now than what I made before and I heard, 2008 was a rough year for my business associates on Wall Street, many of them loss their jobs and were forced to start over again...
1. I cheered for 13 years and had to quit last year because of a back injury.
2. I love playing my viola!
3. I love to cook and I plan on becoming a chef later in life.
4. My best friend is moving away for college this week and I'll probably cry a lot.
5. I love the color black!
6. My favorite genres of music are classical and heavy metal.
7. I have an unhealthy obsession with ducks, I love them.
8. I own 2 stuffed animals larger than me, one is a duck and the other is a monkey.
9. I was born on Valentine's Day.
10. I love to play video games.
11. I practically live in leggings and running shoes.
12. My car is older than me. And also older than the now freshman in college,
13. I love Gordon Ramsay. He's my idol.
14. Whenever I'm sick I drink sprite.
15. I don't have molars or wisdom teeth (they're nonexistent)
16. I have a total of 15 scars on my body from various things (including bug bites and road rash)
17. I have been riding dirt bikes since I was 3 years old.
18. My favorite movie is Donnie Dario.
19. I'm polytheistic!
20. I'm a feminist.
21. I own 6 pairs of running shoes.
22. I hate mesh on anything.
23. I'm learning German.
24. My least favorite school subject is English.
25. I was attacked by a bird when I was younger and now I'm terrified of birds.
I am shooting for 25 facts
11. I shared the same birthday day as Civil Rights leader- Martin Luther King, Jr
12. I am a Capricorn
13. I never watched or changed a baby's diaper until I had my son. (So my Mom came and stayed with me for the 1st-2weeks teaching me Baby 101...lol
14. Can play a song by ear on the piano and love playing Classical music...
15. Love R&B, Soul and Neo-Soul Music
16. Favorite color is Red
17. Favorite movies are mostly documentaries and school type movies -Stand and Deliver, Waiting for Superman, Searching for Bobby Fischer, etc.
18. Love Häagen-Dazs Chocolate Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
19. Love Godiva Chocolates, particularly, Chocolate covered cherries...
20. In HS and College was on the Track team in Sprints (200m- 400m and 800m)
21. On the HS Softball team- was Pitcher and Outfielder
22. I hate and scared to watch scary movies-I cannot sleep for nights on end and I actually was afraid to touch water for at least 3 days after seeing the movie Jaws.
23. Met Rosa Parks in 1982 and got to ask her several questions
24. Met Wilma Rudolph in 1982 too and was friends with her daughter, who ran track at TSU. I used to go to church and eat Sunday dinners with this family.
25. Working hard to not live vicariously through my daughter and appreciate that every achievements belongs to her and her hard work...
Edited #1, 22
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