All-Star 4.2 Teams 2011?

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To be clear, I wasn't referring to ONLY Valley Elite. I have a lot of respect for their program as a whole. There are many other teams in the NJ/NY/PA area who abuse crossovers MUCH worse imo. I mean, when you see a 4.2 team in warmups and everyone on the team is throwing layouts on the tumble strip, it's a little suspicious.
Can't think of the team name (I think it was elite allstars or something like that). They were blue red and white. Anyways, I remember sitting in A-Hall really bored (at NCA) and I happened to look up from my phone and they were really good. :) and I loved there fally-looking pyramid. Haha! I wish I could think of their name./:
I am pretty sure the sure I have is pretty reliable because I am looking at it....I counted 8 kids that were on 4.2 and 4.
okayyy.. i never said that there wasn't crossovers.. but you said there are senior four girls on a senior 4.2 team. that is not true because there are only two girls that crossover that have level four tumbling.. and tumbling is the only difference between 4 and 4.2. and even though i can do a standing tuck and a layout i'm not doing it in the 4.2 routine so it's not like i'm gaining anymore points then anyone else who does a back handspring... we're all doing the same skills. the crossovers were put on for stunting purposes because they needed an extra flyer here and an extra base here etc. and i was put on because of injuries...
PCT Cobras Senior Onyx had an awesome year..of course I'm bias since I have tonsss of friends on that team, but they had a nearly perfect season, the only second being at Ontario's (provincials). Including a win at Jamfest Indy over an AH - MAZING team in the FCA Sapphires...did I mention FCA was amazing? loool probably my fave 4.2 team besides Onyx :)
ok the crossover seems like everyone loves this subject!
Just to set the record straight...Valley Elite does have crossovers, no secret.
We sometimes have girls with injuries, leave the program for unseen reasons or sometimes we use crossovers for the reason that many crossovers are used...TO HELP THE TEAMS!!
We are a program that does not have tryouts...we accept all athletes that sign up. Our goal at valley elite is to progress all athletes and develop their skills.
So here is an example. We have a team and want to put 7 stunt groups up but we can't be cause we do not have the numbers. Now if I go with 6 I may have 3 girls that will not have a position and will literally be hiding in the back. Now is that what my goal is ..NO!
So if I have to pull a crossover to make that last stunt group happen I will! It will help develop and train all my athletes.
The goal at Valley Elite is never winning...Our goal is do your best!!
Until USASF says "no crossovers" you will have many many teams with them.
Just one more thing. We only have 2 crossover that went down from 4 to 4.2 both because of injuries.
The other crossovers are from 4.2 to 4 because without pulling those girls from 4.2 to 4...our senior 4 would not have enough for a team and FYI those from 4.2 to 4 only have backhandsprings!!!!
Isn't it funny how people perceive crossover as always going down...sometimes you have to take a lower level athlete to higher level team to fill teams as well.
I think most programs have the same philosophies and want to help all athletes in their program succeed....not by winning, but by learning!!
Tracy Baker
Valley Elite
Hayden's and Valley Elite were the two teams that stood out the most to me in 4.2 this season. They were both clean and on level.
So many teams put out 4.2 teams this year that, IMO, really shouldn't have. You sit there and watch the entire routine and you see one level 4 skill. They were doing straight up single leg, 4 of the 5 groups were singling out of elevators and one was doubling, they were doing level 3 baskets but they learned how to do a level 4 element in the pyramid so they went 4.2. It really put them at a disadvantage, especially with certain scoresheets. Either put out a solid level 3 routine, or if you don't have the level 3 tumbling kill it in level 2.
Ok, y'all are acting like crossovers are like a crime. You never know the reason there are crossovers on a team if you don't cheer there. This post is about 4.2 teams 2011; if you want to ramble on and on about crossovers, make your own dang post about it.

I totally agree and would like to add that Valley Elite is a great program that has teams that are awesome on every level. :)
I love Valley Elite and the Coaches!! crossovers or not their 4.2 is Bad A**!!!