I think that 'most people' would probably believe that your use of the term 'most people' is probably exaggerated. Your ongoing witch hunt against this program continues to amaze.
Fair enough that I shouldn't have said "most people" - I meant most people that are replying in this thread that think CEA should lose the titles. I worded it poorly and I should not have.
It's not an ongoing "witch hunt" - I hardly look for reasons to talk about them. I have NEVER started a thread about CEA. I generally don't comment until pages in, when I have read multiple posts from both sides. I won't sit here and try to say if this was another gym I'd still be upset, because as was already PMed to me earlier, no one would believe that. I've asked myself that quesion actually. I
think if it was any gym I'd be upset. I'm kind of disappointed that it's CEA because they are already such a polarizing gym I feel like we can't have a real discussion about it because both sides are just going to say "You just hate CEA" or "You just are teal army" - and it takes away from any valid points on either side.
I do often take the "anti teal" stance. For multiple reasons - I think it's obvious I'm not a fan. Talent wise? Amazing. I would never claim differently - when watching Worlds this year, after SE performed my first thought was "Well, that's a done deal. Gold." I simply don't like some of the things they do - crossovers for one.
I think there are a few of us from each side of the teal fence that are the ones who do most of the debating. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'll hazard a guess that those on the teal side of the fence probably get just as many PMs as I do "validating" them and saying "Thanks for saying what we all want to but can't" .
As to this particular issue, I would also be frying Cheersport up in a pan but I have only heard CEA's side of the story so I can only respond to that. If this is true and CS told them to put the girl on the mat 4 times and OKed it and gave them the jackets (I'm not saying it's not true, just that since we've only heard that statement from CEA parents it isn't documented fact -
yet. Quite frankly I think it is true) then Cheersport is probably more to blame than CEA. ***I did ask earlier in the thread if anyone knew if CS had received any type of punishment for this.
As I said earlier, when this was first brought up on Saturday I just breezed over it and went on about my day. Then as I started reading the posts from parents from CEA, it started raising more questions. So I asked them.