I (and I think others) feel like this:
The teams in the other divisions she was on teams for probably feel differently. If you go against a gym that breaks a rule, you'd generally want it to be rectified. Yes, there was no competition in THAT division. But since most people are saying they should have to forfeit any titles won in ALL FOUR divisions she competed in, since there really is no way to choose which team would be "the 4th". You could interpret the "last" team she was on to be different things. Obviously CEA would say the YR5 since it's the one that she supposedly wasn't going to compete on, but I would say whatever team she competed last on the schedule (as in "last" in terms of time of day). If that wasn't YR5, then whatever team they competed last in the day should forfeit titles. If that was one of the other divisions then the 2nd place team is owed jackets. THAT'S why it matters. I'll bet it matters a whole lot to that gym.
Also, I think most people feel if you break a rule, you should be stripped of all titles and prizes for the teams that were involved.
As for "They could have laid down on the floor for 2.5 minutes and got banners and jackets"...then what was the need to break the rule? Why not go out there and do the routine without her, since it was so simple that they didn't really need to do anything? Why was is so necessary to make a big deal of asking permission, and having the rules "bent" (broken)?