So, it's ok to have separate div. for L, M & S but not XS?? 7 athlete diff. on all levels except S which was 20 and under. Can we please remember these athletes are kids and all of them work just as hard as those from larger programs. To state that it dilutes Worlds just because they made a division for teams that can't field a team of 20 or more due to either geographical, economical or other factors does NOT in any way dilute an athletes ability. If so, then there shouldn't be any divisions and everyone should compete as one division. It's disgusting what others might have to say about a team with 10 amazing level 5 athletes who will compete as XS against other XS teams and whomever wins a globe doesn't deserve it. Again, 7 athlete difference from small to medium to large. So to make an XS division actually makes sense and still has the biggest gap in athlete numbers. This also allows smaller programs to actually stay in business and give those kids with the same dreams a chance to compete on the same playing field. Not every athlete has the opportunity to go to a large program, or want to live with a host family away from their own just so they can have the same opportunity to hopefully win at Worlds. Let's be honest here, most small gyms with level 5 teams are looked down upon and viewed as not real competition. There were over 100 small AG & Coed teams at Worlds. But only 10 of each are ever 'recognized' as contenders at Worlds and most if not all of those are from mega gyms. Have some respect people - these are kids...