I did not say a D2 gym should not be welcome at worlds... :rolleyes:
The point of a world championship is for the best team in the world to win, correct? Previously, your gym could enter a team in any division they decided on and compete and the best team would win. If USASF is preventing teams from entering the division, I no longer find it nearly as prestigious. That's my own opinion.
If I were to run the stats of Worlds 2017, I'd say the majority of teams, if not all teams, that meet the less than 14 team members, only worlds team for the gym, criteria in Small Senior/Coed didn't make it out of prelims and were scoring lower than should be acceptable at a World Championship. Now crown one of those teams a World Champion and tell me how that's equal to the other divisions?
Maybe more gyms with a SS/SC team will make some cuts and stack the team and it will be an awesome division to watch... but I've never been pro adding even more divisions and adding them with stipulations is definitely not my cup of tea.