Not many I would think, or I should say not anymore.
Aside to this:
I see over and over in this sport that everyone should be lumped together and it is not a true "world championship" if everyone isn't in the same division ect, but honestly, if that the case why does anyone outside the top few gyms even try? As of 2106, there are only 11 gyms who have won more than 7 globes total over all years. Bottom line is that this sport is dominated by a few mega programs, and the idea that "anyone can win if they have the talent" is largely a myth. Big programs with big resources have the ability to consistently out do everyone else, pretty much without exception. Why not limit worlds to mega programs only, and let everyone else compete where they have some chance of winning? Let the top 10 programs in the nation by size duke it out, and have a system where gym size determines which "series" you compete in beyond that.