This sounds like one of those 'sounds ok on paper, but in reality has 0% chance of working as written' policies.
So like every other USASF policy?
Has there been an official,
public release of this rule by USASF that includes parents? Because what I'm reading here in this thread and what I'm reading in the public guidelines are two different things? I'm asking for clarification for what the specific wording is of the new, unpublished rule because USASF is less than transparent with this stuff. I'm skeptical to believe a screenshot of a random tweet and word of mouth about this.
"Alcohol" only shows up three times in the 2019 worlds guidelines.
1. Under the "Event Violation Policy" (pg 15), it says for USASF Member Athlete:
[Immediate disciplinary action when found] under the influence of drugs or alcohol at any venue at any time during the event from arrival to departure on Tuesday.
2. Under "Sportsmanship" (pg 17), its states:
Smoking and/or the use of alcohol by an athlete is prohibited at any Worlds event location.
3. Under "Hotel/Resort Guidelines" (pg 17), it states:
Smoking and/or the use of alcohol by an athlete [in the hotel/resort] is prohibited.
None of these mention anything about parents, visitors, family members, etc. Coaches don't even have alcohol rules in the guidelines, they're all about USASF athletes.
The rules also very specifically say "at any World's/event location/venue". I looked for a definition of what a "Worlds/event location/venue" is and there was no specific definition in the guidelines. The closest I got was on page 22, under "Tournament Facility", it states:
The competition is scheduled to be held at ESPN Wide World of Sports® Complex, HP Field House, and Visa Center. I would also include wherever registration is and wherever the Block Party is as "event locations".
Unless there is a different, unpublished USASF rule, I think parents, family, visitors, spectators, etc are in the clear - they are not bound by the above rules. USASF trying to enforce those rules on anyone other than USASF athletes (and maybe coaches, though that should be left up to the gym) is a complete overstep of their power. They have no jurisdiction anywhere except wherever their vaguely stated "Worlds event locations" are. USASF cannot control what their visitors do in the rest of the park or off property.