It's been what feel like forever since I've been active on Fierce Board, but now that I am starting to write book 5 in my series I had some questions come up. I can also post them in the random thread, but figured this would be a good place to start:
-I'm exploring the idea of moving and living with a host family more recently. Obviously we know this is a thing for larger gyms and well known teams. But does anyone have any experience with this at smaller gyms and less known teams? Any experience, personal or stuff you have seen in your gym from others, would be much appreciated!
-I know I talked with people about it before, but can't for the life of me find out where. What is the general timeline for getting Worlds rings in to the gym? Is the end of August too early for something like that?
-In pyramid for a level 5 stunt, what kind of deduction is caused by someone doing flips un-assisted. Like, if someone was supposed to hold their arm while they did a back flip, but the arms don't connect in time, is it a big deduction?
Thanks everyone so much! I cannot even begin to explain how invaluable the advice, answered, and even inspiration I get from Fierce Board proved to be. I want to make sure my books aren't just entertaining, but rather actually true to life and as accurate in even the small details as possible! :)