Most Positive :)
- Dec 14, 2009
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- Thread starter
- #46
I think the purpose of this video is not to showcase the mistakes as negatives, or at least thats what I got out of the video. I think it is more to show that even these teams that people see as 'perfection' have rough days and have to recover. Everyone in there cheer-career has has some type of mistake. Showcasing that these mistakes have happened at worlds brings a new perspective that just because you have made it to the ultimate competition you still have to work hard and even then mistakes happen. For me, when I see a video like this it makes me think that dropping, falling, or touching down (for that team) really sucks but they will use this as amo for next year and build upon their mishap. Maybe the person who made that video was using it more as a motivational tool by showing that many teams have made mistakes at worlds ( and some have made mistakes and won) but they have persevered through and that is ultimately what the sport is about, persevering through to reach an ultimate goal.
Also, if you listen to the song they have chosen to put it to you can tell it is made more for a motivator. Phrases such as "I know I must go on, although I hurt I must be strong because inside I know that many feel this way" show this.
I really like your outlook!! :) I definitely didn't even realize about the song either, but you're definitely right! I said mistakes do happen and with that, it's important that you learn from them and move on. The video I posted originally in this thread in my eyes is slightly more motivating though because it portrays the struggle, the action of motivation, and then the success in sequential form versus just one or the other. IMO both are relaying the same message just in different ways and like you said, "persevering through to reach the ultimate goal" is all a part of the sport on good & bad days! :) Thanks for your response!