I am a parent and my daughter has been on a level 3 team at Cheersport many years ago and a team beat my team that normally competed level five but competed level 3 to win. Our coaches knew this and just told our girls that they were going to have to work that much harder to win. They never said the other team is cheating or anything like that. They did end up getting second and losing to that team. They deserved to win and we congratulated them. They did not cheat. They threw tucks and standing two back handsprings like we did and did LEGAL level 3 stunts. So calling them cheaters would be ignorant to the sport.
What Rockstar did was not even as bad as that. I watched them this weekend and they looked just as clean as all of there teams ALWAYS do, no matter the level. I believe that is there specialty. In, that routine I didn't see one athlete in the middle of everything.
If there was this AMAZING level five athlete... I couldn't pick her out! If she was that good you would think they would put her in the front of everything? Right? I would also like to comment that just because an athlete has level 5 tumbling doesn't make her a level 5 jumper, dancer, or stunter. My daughter was on a level 3 team one year and was working on a double! And I understood why. She couldn't do any level 5 baskets, her jumps weren't the best then and her stunting ability wasn't there yet.
I think who we should be worried about are the parents I heard scream out and yell CHEATERS and little kids. If you act that way when you get beat how is your child going to act. They didn't break any rule or cheat so to call them cheaters is just stupid. I think what they did was fine and if you disagree then that's fine too but they did nothing ILLEGAL or against any rules so just say you don't agree... cheating is not the right word.
Also, congrats to Rockstar! All three teams looked great this weekend and I never heard one parent or cheerleader bad mouth any teams that bad mouthed them all weekend long! I heard them telling teams good luck and I rode in an elevator with one of The Who cheerleaders and when she got off she told everyone in the elevator good luck. That's class when a whole room full of PARENTS boos you and you never say a word back. I don't know about you but I was not that poised when I was there age?