Finally got through this thread so I can post. . .
What this thread reminds me of is respect.
Respect for people's opinions and the points they are trying to make. If you're not sure of that that point is, just ask before you decide to disagree, get offended, or worse yet. . .call the opinon stupid. I read about many people coming from different angles but by whittling away at each other's different experiences and different wordings it can stay a comon discussion
Respect for the many decisions that coaches have to make
- What if a coach only has 60 total athletes for 3 teams so there are only a few choices as to who can be on what team? The senior age girls HAVE to be on the senior team
- What if the smaller girl is one of the only 5 girls on a team who can fly? Then the coach has to decide which group to put them on and if they are not a very skilled girl, maybe the larger, experienced bases are the ones who HAVE to base her to make the stunt successful (I am assuming we all want the kids to be successful, not just look good according to our standards)
- What if a large gym can choose larger flyers but they need to be competitive in the division and/or want to go to worlds? I think the logical choice any of us would make is to but the slightly younger (legal aged) athlete who has the better tumbling skills. If you lost your spot to that athlete, you have a choice to get in the gym and work harder.
Repect for younger flyers
- They are working just has hard as anyone else to be on the mat. It doesn't always look like we want it to , but those athletes deserve just as much credit. Many of them want it, others feel a huge amount of stress trying to impress or live up to their older cheer-sisters' expectations.
Finally respect for people coming from different backgrounds (both cheer and location)
- I've seen terms like fetus, beast, etc used in many different ways. When I see them, or anything else that can look derogatory, I look to see if the person had malicious intent--then I PM them and ask to make sure. I try not to blast them directly unless I know they are trying to be mean on purpost.