I agree with @
Mclovin 100%, its about having a well rounded team. A well rounded routine. I personally think that things vary per gym. Some gyms prefer one thing while others prefer another, I get that those at a particular gym live and die by those preferences but why criticize others for theirs? I just don't get it. So much has been made about the age thing how 12 yr olds shouldn't be on a team with 18 yr olds, blah. Most teams aren't made up of 19-18 yr olds and one 12 yr old. We have 12 yr olds on our senior team bc they are good, worked hard and have the skills and maturity to be on a senior team, and they are doing an amazing job. We have 10 year olds on our Senior Restricted team, and they are doing a great job as well, judge me and my gym all you want but we take pride in our kids and feel when they work hard they deserve to be rewarded. We discuss this with their parents as well and what we expect of our senior team (heck most 18 yr olds are the immature ones) and we have their support. I feel like the exceptional 10/11/12 yr olds are the exception to the rule but they exist and work just as hard as the rest of the kids. If its within the rules and handled appropriately they deserve the same opportunities as everyone else. And from a judges perspective, its never been written on my score sheet that it looked bad, actually the opposite, "that little girl in your center stunt is amazing". I'll keep my score sheet and my young kids all day long.