I definitely feel that choreographers/music producers etc should be professional to the utmost degree. When you say you're going to do something, it definitely should be done to it's fullest potential. But this is the first that I've heard anything bad about JR's business practice. I don't know the situation or the facts nor have we ever worked with him, so it's not something I can defend his company on.
But I can't necessarily agree with this statement you've made. I've known plenty of jobs that have had a "couple" of screw ups here n there... A teacher forgetting her lessons for the day, account executive's, supervisors, secretaries all and all being late, misplacing paper work, miscalculating numbers, etc... I can't count the number of times I've seen one of our coaches "mess up" while doing their job, whether it's teaching skills, working on putting together their routine, collecting money from parents/kids, etc... For the most part, these people still have their jobs and operate their profession. So to say they'd be considered a joke anywhere else is a bit embellished and not accurate. It also seems that you're implying that cheerleading isn't a "corporate business", as well as a sport? Do you understand that this industry is a multi-billion dollar industry? For example take the number of teams at Cheersport, multiply it by a minimum of 15-20 kids a team... Then multiply that number by the minimal fee to register and enter the competition. I think I've made my point... Granted, this is the biggest cheer competition in the nation, however this is just one of MANY... There are so many more competitions, most of which we don't even know about. But also music, choreography, camps, other competitions, apparel, uniforms, pictures, videography, etc... I'm pretty sure any profession under the standards of cheerleading fall under the "corporate world".
But to comment on your issues of the "cooperate world" you suggested and how it applies, I can tell you that my family owns one of the biggest businesses for distributing goods and services across the world. Many of the heads that run the business are trusted due to their longevity with the company. I can tell you that they have definitely had their fair share of "screw-ups". However considering the overall relationship and reputation they hold with our bosses, these issues have been overlooked and business goes on as usual. So as a cooperate umbrella, I can tell you that there is something called "extenuating circumstances" that apply for employees that do their job more extensively in the long run versus a few "screw-ups" here and there in the short. These mishaps do not warrant termination as that would not be smart on our end. As business owners, it's up to us to figure out the solutions to fix what our employees do wrong so they don't happen continuously. Therefore when they mess up, we mess up. But that doesn't mean we are unprofessional, selfish, self-serving, and plain rude. It simply means we've discovered problems that need to be fixed and addressed.
This particular producer doesn't seem to be the first I've heard issues about on here. Not only that, but some of the music producers mentioned on this page, we've heard other gyms and counterparts have had problems with as well. That being said, this is obviously a profession that needs work on building it's practice to the standards of utmost professionalism. Only thing that makes it hard for me to decide is that for them it's not a standard job; but more so a creative part of their industry that they command. I can say I hear alot more creative work and quality with the "popular" high-end music people versus the middle to low. So it's a bit of a double standard. Seems they all have their "screw-ups". But if you must hire one, then why not hire the best for what you can afford since they all have the same problems...
If changes to your music product is one of the few major concerns, then I agree with acxjags. I think music producers should exercise "scheduling" changes versus doing them on the whim. That seems to be the only "grey area" service outside of the initial product being done that I feel needs fixing. But bottom line, if you have a problem with these producers, then the answer seems quite simple to me... Don't use them anymore. We as the customer have the power to appoint who the best producer in the industry is... Some of the problems you all state that you're having can be solved by other means as well (contacting the Better Business Bureau, a lawyer, etc). Granted it's the most extreme means necessary to solve your problem, however it's better than the slanderous alternative. If these producers truly are getting "rich" as you put it "topxofxmyxgame", then do something about your experience and be professional yourself by going through the proper authorities and legalities. I know these issues are something that we wouldn't allow to be an on going problem.