Reading through this thread I don't think the "hostility" has anything to do with the All Star Games. It sounded unique. Wouldn't mind seeing it in action. What had me side eyeing the thread was the tone in which parents were addressed about the entry fee.
Cheer is ridiculously expensive as it is and piling on with parent spectator fees over $100 is a deal breaker for some people. That doesn't make them worthless parents. (Not saying that was said but it was how it came across).
I have a car that hasn't turned two yet. I flipped 50k miles this past week. My house is a wreck because I've not seen the inside of it. Cooking dinner for the family in April?! Right. I haven't seen my son in four days (literally). We had to split the family up this weekend to attend to both their cheer responsibilities in two states at the same time. Even the dog had to be attended by my parents to come let her in/out this weekend because we weren't there to do it and only one of them was competing. The other was "home."
This is all in addition to the fact I bought four uniforms this year, had three competitions requiring flights, three with drives in excess of 9 hours and have stressed out about work and school attendance which is off the chain.
I say all this to say my husband and I have good jobs. I have a doctorate and he's an architect working for a major medical institution. We make a good living. And this year I've lived in a constant state of panic about paying the bills because our cheer bill (conservatively) tripled. I'm actually in the hunt for a new job JUST to reduce stress about money...and I like where I work. I don't want to leave but the cost of cheer is forcing that decision.
So, whether it was intended or not, the commentary here from two people I respect came across very bluntly as "you're only good to write a check and if you don't like it it's because you're too poor or too uneducated to do what's right for your own kids and your options are to sit down and shut it, find a cheaper and less meaningful program for your kids or buy the live stream because you're not in the least bit important beyond paying the bills."
That's disrespectful for what I DO do for my kids.
My entire life and my job revolves around getting them where they're supposed to be and ensuring it's all paid on time. And I'm working my a$$ off to get that done.
I don't think any parent that has replied here is interested in anything more than a modicum of respect for what we do for our kids (that many people will not do) and some acknowledgement that were working as hard as our kids. I didn't choose to take it, but I appreciated that champions league had a cheaper parent ticket option. If you want to get people on board with that for the parents and give them a discounted ticket option so were not gouged again and our check books are respected for how hard they work. (If you're already doing that, kudos to you).
Again, not saying that those words were spoken specifically but that was how they came off to me (and I'll wager) many other parents who read it.
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