Then why even have the division. As far as I am concerned, it's just turning into another opportunity for gyms to manipulate the system. I just sort of feel like we are getting away from the initial reason this division was started, and it has only been in existence in it's current incarnation for one season. My understanding a year ago was that it was for half year allstar teams so they didn't have to compete against full year teams, and for high-level rec teams who want to try to compete against some teams from allstar gyms. Not so teams could decide "Oh crap, look who is in our division at Nationals. Our team won't win, so let's all be glad USASF created yet another division that we have figured out how to work the rules on, move them over to that division, and we will win!
This is the USASF document on the division, that I am sure you are extremely familiar with...
This is the document that the USASF put out themselves, and now the guidelines are too hard to police??