Can you message me or post his twitter? I'd love to point out this editor that his journalist sucks bc he didn't even accurately get his "history" of cheerleading right. It started at Princeton and "officially" became an organized sport in 1898 via Johnny Campbell (University of Minnesota)...and in 1903 the first "cheer" fraternity was born. Oh, and they were primarily called yell squads in the beginning. I HATE HATE HATE the way journalism has become. No fact checking, embellishing stories, adding "fluff" in place of actual quality writing, out and out making things up, playing into stereotypes, and did I mention no fact checking? It takes all of FIVE minutes to look something up on the internet (using Google Scholar might I add, not just regular google). My grandmother (an editor and reporter for over 30 years) is somewhere rolling in her grave. It's inexcusable that an editor supports his "writer" (I'm not going to even dignify calling him a journalist), when his writer has such a blatant disregard for the basics of journalism 101. :mad: