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Mine is me with my glasses on. I was bored one day and started acting like the typical teenage girl and took random pictures of myself (camwh*ring). :P
this thread prompted me to change mine.... this is a pic from a drive thru safari that i did in the charlotte area... I think it was called the Lazy 5 Ranch.... we went against the rules and drove up to the giraffes to feed them from on top of our cars and I was able to get this shot....
I chuckle whenever I see it! Trying to lighten up the mood.....
We all have to laugh at each other now and then.... For goodness sake its only cheerleading!!
Picture of me doing my scorp at a practice in Myrtle Beach right before Battle at the Beach! One of the girls randomly took it during the practice- i had no idea; and i ended up LOVING it
Tyra because she's the fiercest thing that ever walked the planet. She is sassy, smart fierce, and a diva just like me. If I ever get the chance to meet her, I will tackle her. She's my idol, I miss her on her talk show and love her on ANTM, I feel like she's my HOME GIRL when I watch her. And she's extra special and embarrassing like, Yours Truly. Me.
Changed mine up for the week.
<-------- this is the other uniform my J4/S3 CP wears. He's currently a C/CMsgt in the NC Civil Air Patrol and this week is in a staff position as a flight sergeant for the flight line marshalling sqaudron at the NC Wing summer encampment. He's my favorite 14 y/o pilot-in-training and future fierce USAF jet jockey/co-ed falcon cheerleader! Is is any wonder he cheers for "Aviator."
this thread prompted me to change mine.... this is a pic from a drive thru safari that i did in the charlotte area... I think it was called the Lazy 5 Ranch.... we went against the rules and drove up to the giraffes to feed them from on top of our cars and I was able to get this shot....
I chuckle whenever I see it! Trying to lighten up the mood.....
We all have to laugh at each other now and then.... For goodness sake its only cheerleading!!
our kids loved Lazy 5. If you live in the Charlotte area, your elementary class has most assuredly taken a field trip there :)
Tyra because she's the fiercest thing that ever walked the planet. She is sassy, smart fierce, and a diva just like me. If I ever get the chance to meet her, I will tackle her. She's my idol, I miss her on her talk show and love her on ANTM, I feel like she's my HOME GIRL when I watch her. And she's extra special and embarrassing like, Yours Truly. Me.
i always think of tyra speaking when you reply.
and tyra speaking is truth. so whatever you say is true.

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