All-Star Bad Backs In Cheer..?

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I love the Thermacare heat wraps! they stay hot for like 8 hours and you can wear them to school, practice, etc. Once your all warmed up STRETCH STRETCH AND STRETCH SOME MORE!!
i have an awful back... probably because of all the tumbling on basketball floor i do. when i went to the chiropractor awhile ago, he told me that the curve in my spine is completely backwards and the only time he's seen that in someone my age is when they've suffered a bad back injury in a car wreck. he also told me if i wanted to keep cheering and not deal with the back discomfort the rest of my life, i had to go to him every day for 6 weeks. but, it interfered with practices. so guess who hasn't gone to the chiropractor in 6 months? :/

it hurts & feels like it has to crack all the time.. i dont think theres much i can do to make it get better now ..
I have had horrible* back problems ever since about 3 years ago. I think it was from tumbling so much, and no stretching enough. Standing tumbling was particularly painful. I went to the chiro, and a massage therapist and they both gave me stretches to do before I tumble and ones to do at night before I sleep. Also, it helps me to sleep with a pillow in between my legs and not sleep on my stomach. The massage therapist helped a lot*, and a big amount of my pain was caused by tight hamstrings... pulling on my back muscles. So sometimes, it's another muscle causing that one to hurt. Also, strengthening your core will help.
I fell flying on the gym floor my seventh grade-freshman year continuously because my coaches thought I was little and i could fly so I could have the weakest bases on the team..ughh. it got to the point that I couldn't tumble anymore. I got my full in 6th grade and was working on a double..everyone convinced me I had a mental block. Until last year I couldn't take the pain anymore, I went to a chiropractor, and a physical therapist. they both wouldn't touch me till i got an MRI/X rays. Guess who has a herniated dic, and a fractured sacral?.I refractured my sacral at least 3 or 4 times and now its jammed. I have pt 3-4 times a week, and I'm most likely not able to tumble ever again.
as of right now my back is doing a lot better but last year i had a stress fracture in my back & had to take about 2 months off of cheer after seeing a sports injuries doctor in ny. i had to do physical therapy & was told to take advil to help the pain/inflammation. massages/ice/heat do help but don't last really long but physical therapy helped the most & i was told to do the exercises whenever my back started bothering me after i was done with physical therapy. my back will hurt after jumping/tumbling but it's really weird because it's only sometimes that it starts to hurt after.. other times it's completely fine like how it's been recently. i haven't had any problems with it thank god in maybe a couple months? hopefully nothing starts up again..
as of right now my back is doing a lot better but last year i had a stress fracture in my back & had to take about 2 months off of cheer after seeing a sports injuries doctor in ny. i had to do physical therapy & was told to take advil to help the pain/inflammation. massages/ice/heat do help but don't last really long but physical therapy helped the most & i was told to do the exercises whenever my back started bothering me after i was done with physical therapy. my back will hurt after jumping/tumbling but it's really weird because it's only sometimes that it starts to hurt after.. other times it's completely fine like how it's been recently. i haven't had any problems with it thank god in maybe a couple months? hopefully nothing starts up again..

I have the same thing a stress fracture in my back. I had to wear a back brace for 6 weeks and couldnt do much it hurt so bad. The doctor told me that it had just developed over time and had only gotten worse. I had to do physical therapy and was told the same thing to take for the pain but nothing really helped it. my back hasnt been acting up either but my doctor told me I could cheer again but it would probably act up again. about 6 months ago i had tried out for school cheer and just the 3 days of try-outs killed my back. i havent done cheerleading since but wanna get back into it just not sure how my back will hold up. its cool to know someone else who has the same thing!
I have the same thing a stress fracture in my back. I had to wear a back brace for 6 weeks and couldnt do much it hurt so bad. The doctor told me that it had just developed over time and had only gotten worse. I had to do physical therapy and was told the same thing to take for the pain but nothing really helped it. my back hasnt been acting up either but my doctor told me I could cheer again but it would probably act up again. about 6 months ago i had tried out for school cheer and just the 3 days of try-outs killed my back. i havent done cheerleading since but wanna get back into it just not sure how my back will hold up. its cool to know someone else who has the same thing!

i had a brace for about a week.. i went to a local doctor who gave me the brace but once i went to a sports doctor he said mine was minor enough i actually didn't need it & i was also told it developed over time & that there was evidence that i had one the year before in a lower part which is weird because idk how i got through it lol. that sucks though i'm so sorry i hope you're able to get back into it! i was able to go back for the last 2 competitions (i only had to miss 2 being out 2 months so it wasn't too bad) & have been cheering since but my coaches are really good with who they give me as a flyer or make sure if i'm flying i have strong bases but it's weird because things like scorpions don't hurt it's more like weight going straight down my back if that makes sense lol. i'm surprised physical therapy didn't help you that much that's basically what saved me! & yeah it's cool to know someone else had the same thing i had never heard of it before i had it myself hahaa.
I never really used to get bother with my back but a year i think back, my muscles all went into spasm and could not get out of bed. Was out for a few weeks and attended physio and was on meds and it eventually got better. Lately ive been getting a lot of problems with my back now and have lately found out that im completely out of alignment! My spine is twisted and my pelvis is all over the place. My lumbars are out and some other muscles that i cant name in my back. On sunday i knocked a rib out which can i say is agony!! got it put back in yesterday and having to take time out for a while while my back recovers and i keep getting put back into alignment and on meds! :(
My daughter is just starting to practice for the first time in 3 months because of stress fractures in her L4 vertabra. She was in a fitted brace for about 10 weeks with no activity. She has been doing physical therapy and working on her core. We are not sure if it was from tumbling or bad habits. But the main factor in getting her back is strengthing her core muscles, and proper technique. With both the doctor and physical therapist stressing it at every meeting. Our gym has begun a core strenghting program recommended by Debbie Love. She was able to come to our gym and evaluate and recommend excerises for the teams. I think Debbie has alot of the same information on her website. If your looking at how these exercises work just look at the videos of her daughters. They are simply amazing tumblers! Hopefully my cp will be back in time for cheersport. Just want her to be patient and come back strong. Its been hard for her not to compete in the sport of her choice.
Has anyone on here ever had a herniated disk in their back? Right now my back is giving me so much trouble and when one of my friends brought that up as a possibility I went to research the symptoms and mine follow pretty close. At the moment, it hurts to put pressure on this one specific spot on my back, and when I tumble (especially standing) the pain will travel all the way up my spine. It also hurts if I curl forward and hunch over to stretch it out and when I arch it feels like my back gets caught and as if something is stopping it from arching properly. Also some of the nerves in my back will suddenly flair up and cause intense pain. It's the same nerves every time, but the pain is brief so I haven't been paying it much attention. While I've had back pain before it has never been to this extent.

I'll be going to the doctor soon but if this matches anything that has ever happened to you, please let me know. It's my senior year and I would like to try and figure out whats going on so I can get healthy as soon as possible.
i have a terrible back. it was bad to begin with then i messed it up on vault on day.. i found a few exercises once that when done everymorning stop any pain. it's annoying and sometimes i skip out but it does help.. and lots of stretching too.. not much else but conditioning to make it stronger
Has anyone on here ever had a herniated disk in their back? Right now my back is giving me so much trouble and when one of my friends brought that up as a possibility I went to research the symptoms and mine follow pretty close. At the moment, it hurts to put pressure on this one specific spot on my back, and when I tumble (especially standing) the pain will travel all the way up my spine. It also hurts if I curl forward and hunch over to stretch it out and when I arch it feels like my back gets caught and as if something is stopping it from arching properly. Also some of the nerves in my back will suddenly flair up and cause intense pain. It's the same nerves every time, but the pain is brief so I haven't been paying it much attention. While I've had back pain before it has never been to this extent.

I'll be going to the doctor soon but if this matches anything that has ever happened to you, please let me know. It's my senior year and I would like to try and figure out whats going on so I can get healthy as soon as possible.

I actually have a herniated disk. and those are the symptoms. It's my senior year too, but i fractured my sacral and i have a herniated disc. You will have to do physical therapy( i think) at least I had to. Herniated discs are one of the most painful things i've ever expierenced. Good luck with everything :]
I actually have a herniated disk. and those are the symptoms. It's my senior year too, but i fractured my sacral and i have a herniated disc. You will have to do physical therapy( i think) at least I had to. Herniated discs are one of the most painful things i've ever expierenced. Good luck with everything :]

While that doesn't bode too well for me, thank you so much for the info :)
i have a bad back too. Icy Hot works wonders or i just take one day out of the week and Lay down.
Oh my gosh..where to begin?!
As a flyer, base, and back spot and cheering for 14ish years back pain has always been there for me. Unfortunately during my first semester at college (this past summer/fall) I developed severe chronic pain in my lower back. It got to the point where I definitely couldn't tumble and pulling my scorps hurt to where I was in tears along with every time I was caught. Eventually it got to be unbearable and I decided to have it checked out. I went to the trainers 3-4 times a week then finally they were like you need to go get a bone scan. So my results on my bone scan did show something-I have a incomplete fusion of my lower lumber (L5) meaning the bones in my spine did not fuse all the way together causing tension. Apparently I could have been born with this or it could have resulted from excess movement or something? I never really received any further treatment since then so I'm not sure where to go from here. It is feeling a little better since I have been doing stretches to sort of cope with it. Anyone else have a similar issue? or advice?

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