You chose the classy way to respond, not so classy. With that being said, the girl that was put in due to the injury left her former gym a few weeks earlier...she was a solid level 5 athlete but the team had no openings, nor did the level 4 team...Coach Leelee happily welcomed her onto her large level 3 team. Due to an injury on the small coed team, this girl was asked to fill in last minute...during all this, the team was redoing the routine and learning a new dance...things were crazy...over site of a stressed gym owner/ coach and the name was left off the roster. Now in comes the owner of the gym where the new girl just left, sees her onstage with her new gym...knowingly she wasn't put on the level 5 team and makes the call which ultimately led to revoking the bid....devastating the team, parents ,coaches. I'm not even affilated with the gym any more but have friends there and am sick over this....just be sure to dot you i's and cross your t's because there are always nasty people out there trying to take you down...sad.