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Omg. So much drama tonight. I'm so upset to see Jeff go, it literally breaks my heart to watch Jordan so upset ):
I only hope that you people without the feeds get to see the Jordan and Shelly fight that happened on Sunday's episode. Right when the feeds came back Jordan and Shelly got into it and Rachel had to pull Jordan away and into another room. Just think of Jordan and Russel fighting on BB11 and sub Shelly into Russel's position.

Not only did Jordan get into it with Shelly but so did Rachel because Rachel was told by Dani that it was Shelly that took her dog. So Rachel told Shelly she wants it back and Shelly is still denying that she has it. Rachel told her that she is a 41 year old woman and needs to grow up and give her the dog back (her mom gave it to her). Shelly is a dirty rat who should be ashamed of herself and the fact that her daughter is at home watching what she is doing.

They are currently playing the HOH competition right now which I believe is the snake game they got last night. Good think is Jordan, Rachel, and Adam are all 3 really good at it while the others aren't so much. Rooting for Rachel and Jordan to make it to final 2. If Jordan, Rachel, or Adam don't win HOH I will probably throw in my big brother shoes for the rest of the season because I can't stand Kalia, Porsche and Shelly.
I spoke too soon, Porsche won the HOH and Rachel is now the one breaking down. Of course Shelly is celebrating with Porshe and Kalia. I feel so bad for Jordan because she didn't get to prepare to lose Jeff like Rachel did.

Jordan wants to let herself be evicted she never wanted to be there anyway because she just went for Jeff.
ugh so annoyed!!!!! Floaters finally play and theyre winning everything!!!! I cant stand Shelly, Kalia and Porshe!!!! I want to see Jordan and Shelly fighting! Poor Jordans face when Jeff was giving his speech =(
Have you guys seen ED's shows on RTVZone.com? All previous BB contestants discussing the game. They've had Jun, James, Howie, Janelle, ect. on before. There's even an episode with Lawon, Cassie, Dom, and Keith. It's pretty interesting..
In I believe Episode 12 they brought up the production issues with Dani and ED wouldn't believe it
I can not tell you how happy I am how everything played out. I didn't want Danielle to go home because she was one of the few players that played the game, but seeing Jeff go was the best thing ever! Everyone was clinging onto him (obviously Rachel and Jordan from their breakdown) to ride their way throughout the game. Seeing him gone means everyone is forced to play and not to rely on him. It was annoying seeing everyone flock to his protection week after week. Especially Adam who was just a major floater. Jordan and Rachel were only as strong as their partner and as much as I love Jordan as a person I want her to play the game.

Shelly should know better than to do what she's doing. Playing both sides is a risky game and a dirty one at that. I want Porshe to go all the way. She's the only person I want to see win.
I knew something like porshe winning HOH and POV would happen, if you have been watching the show for a while you realize that every season there are floaters but of course they win nothing its kind of like they dont try and once it gets to the end of the game they start playing and winning competions, .. like jeff said porshe just started playing the game...I dont understand they had the chance to get floaters out early on, who knows adam or porshe could up be he last 2 or 3 just by letting them float by... i cannot stand when this happens
Jordan isn't so much upset that Jeff is gone she is upset that Shelly did what she did because Jeff and Jordan both stuck up for her when people said she was a snake. Jordan gave her a phone call from home when Jordan is extremely close to her family. Shelly is the Ronnie of this season and she has to know that she will eventually go.

Right now I believe Porsche is going to put up Rachel & Adam with the target being Rachel. Porsche said that she wants to keep Jordan because she knows she will be easy to beat (guess she missed Jordan's season where she won things easily when Jeff was gone and her butt was on the line). So if Rachel wins, Jordan goes up and Adam possibly goes home. OR What may happen is Shelly goes up and goes home. Porsche was talking to Kalia last night about how if they have to send Shelly home that they would.

Jordan is pushing Rachel hard, which is good because she isn't giving up. Rachel on the other hand is ready to give up. Jordan keeps telling Rachel that she has to win the POV so she is safe and they have a great shot at getting Shelly out.

I won't be watching too much this week because the Porsche, Kalia, and Shelly mean girl talk has already started and I can't deal with it. I would have rather had Dani winning it all then any of those 3 girls. Problem for Shelly is once people get to the jury they are going to talk and even if she makes it to final 2 they aren't going to vote for someone who hasn't done crap and lied the entire time. She says she knows the game but is really digging her own grave.

I can honestly see Jordan winning the game again if she is still there. I would also give anything to see Shelly walk out the door. At the end of the week I wanted Shelly out more then Dani.
There is a new twist in the Big Brother house...the duos are BACK! Porsche opened Pandora's Box and took $5000 which let big brother form duos again. The duos are Jordan/Rachel, Porsche/Kalia, and Adam/Shelly. Kalia is safe this week because she is partnered with the HOH. That means if Rachel or Jordan win the POV they are BOTH safe and Adam and Shelly will go up on the block. Rachel and Jordan will have the votes and will most likely send Shelly home.

There is also A LOT of nastiness coming from Shelly. She overheard Jordan/Rachel calling her the "B" word and is upset. She claims that Jordan's mom will be super upset and that she will never accept her apology when they leave here. She then goes to say "Rachel's pregnant booty can play with Jordan I don't care". For those who don't know Rachel is 2 weeks late on her period and the other side of the house think she is pregnant. Oh and here is the icing on the nasty cake. Shelly, Adam, Kalia, and Porsche then talk about what could be the POV comp and Adam says maybe a game with a medicine ball to the stomach. Porsche replies with "That will only save Rachel $400. " (talking about for an abortion. These girls are getting horrible when it comes to trash talking and I absolutely cannot wait for Jordan or Rachel to win the POV and knock Shelly out of that house.
The nastiness of Porsche and Shelly is something their families should truly be ashamed of. Shelly truly thinks that she has done nothing wrong in this game. The cigarettes and tanning seems to have fried her brain to the point where she is completely delusional. She claims that she will walk out of the house looking classy while Jordan looks bad, comical really because everyone thinks "ShellyTheDude" is a creepy liar. I also find it funny that Porsche knew the price of an abortion, I guess working as a "VIP Cocktail Waitress" helps in knowing the price.

Nominations are taking place right now and it will be Rachel and Jordan going up (no surprise there). Kalia was telling Porsche that the two of them should make a final 4 deal with Rachel and Jordan just in case they win the POV and then get Shelly out this week and Adam next because they feel that they can beat both of them for final 2. Little do they know Jordan and Rachel can win competitions if they really want to bad enough especially when their backs are against the wall.
ztaprincess said:
RACHEL WON THE POV SO HER AND JORDAN ARE SAFE! That means it is about a 98% chance Shelly will be leaving the house. The game may have just been saved from being the worst season ever.

Omg THANK YOU! I was so very very upset when Jeff left. I just drank the last 2 pages of this thread. You are amazing xoxo
I was seriously about to cancel my live feeds and be done with it, thank gosh Rachel pulled out a win. Sounds like it was somewhat endurance and skill mixed into one. I can't believe I have really started to like Rachel. Jordan really does keep her calm and from what it seems more herself then when Brendon is around in the house. I can tell that Rachel has a really good heart but just does things to try and be intimidating. I really hope one of them wins HOH thursday.
I'm glad Shelly will go home but I'd rather be dead than to see Rachel win. I actually don't want any of them to win.

Adam- He floated all the way through the game and was essentially used as a pawn on the block so that's what made him relevant. He's not a good player and clings on to the strongest person for the week.

Kalia- Stayed low key, wasn't a floater because she was on Jeff's side so it was fine with me that she was staying out of the silly drama, but then she went with Danielle and became all high and mighty.

Porsche- I don't have that much of a problem with her except that she is not that mature. She stays out of the drama that gets people sent home and wasn't too up Danielle's butt, but she is so annoying and really does just takes a piggyback ride from others.

Rachel- She can't play with her own mind. She talks all this talk but then you see her breaking down when whatever bad happens, happens. It was Brendon, then Jeff, now she has to play with Jordan.

Shelly- I liked her until the house and the game started getting to her. She started playing all sides and lying to everyone about everything.

Jordan- I liked her until this week when Jeff went home and I realized how much like Rachel she was. She did nothing this game but ride on Jeff's safety. I think she can play the game but I don't like it when it's down to the wire like this and people start playing the game. It's not fair the the players who have been playing the whole time.

Honestly, I wish Danielle won because she's the only one who didn't play for friends, she played for the game and she was very upfront about it.

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