My daughters just got back from Week 2, and I have to say, their experience this year was NOT as good as last year. They had a decent time, but not great. For the price, I would expect great. The tumbling instruction was fine; however, the administrative end of the camp was horrible.
No one seems to be in charge. Specific requests we made months in advance were ignored, and things we were told prior to arriving were NOT the same when we got there. Unfortunately, those errors took away from the overall "camp" experience that my girls were hoping to get from an overnight camp (and that they did, in fact, get last year). On top of it, there was absolutely no one to talk to, in hopes of getting the situation fixed.
One of the reasons we chose Woodward is that there is a good balance of traditional "camp" experiences with the tumbling. This year, that balance was not quite as good, and my kids missed it.
In addition, there was a VERY serious issue with one of my daughter's counselors, and although the camp took care of it, no one called parents to let us know what had happened.
My advice would be for parents to CALL before your children arrive, if you have any specific questions or concerns, and then GET THE NAME of whoever you speak with....they seem to have a quite high rate of staff turnover in the office.
As for the tumbling, since they have different staff every week, you are never sure exactly what you will get. My kids had better instruction last year for the same week, as compared to this year. At this point, I don't think I will send my kids back. Searching for another similar camp online right now.