I know many teams that have traditions of pixie sticks before competing in warm ups, some do redbull shots, and some prefer to go the healthier route and eat bananas or fruit; I've seen a wide range. Personally, I am not the type of person who gets sugar rushes or all "hyped" up after an energy drink so I don't really see the point. However, it seems more like a tradition to me than anything else; possibly even a superstition for some teams. SO if its just a one pixie stick I don't think it will kill them if they have the idea that the pixie stick will really help them win so be it. Now if they are dumping 5 or 10 down before, that's just not healthy and you would think might even make them sick after performing. I guess I would not be able to say ney or yay without more specific information individualized to each teams "load".