I agree with all of this, however I do think the "security" is a little too anal about this at times. I shouldn't have to keep changing my shirt just to be supportive. I saw a group of moms almost attack a staff member because he wouldn't let a parent into rotational viewing even though they told him several times her daughter was on the team. She was a coach of and had a daughter in one program (whose shirt she was wearing) and her oldest daughter was on a lvl 5 team at a different program. Not until he tired of being yelled at and gave in was she allowed to go view her child. This was the same ep listed several times in this thread. I believe people should have to rotate in and out, that should be strictly enforced, but not whether to let them in at all.
I completely understand that parents want to be upfront for their kids, but I also know some of these kids have waited all year to see senior elite or top gun etc in person and if the only thing I can do to make an 11 year old happy is let them stand beside me in priority seating then what's the big deal. I literally saw a child cry tears because she didn't make it in the arena in time to watch Kiara Nowlin at nca. I almost cried with her lol
Wanted to add (sorta off topic) that I was almost trampled at battle of the capital! When they called f5 on the stage kids started running out the hallways, from the other arena, from their rooms idk but there were literally hundreds of kids running into the arena. Makes sense now since someone said the schedule wasn't posted.