Oh my goodness people are touchy here. It was in reference to the suspension incident, and it was meant to support the incident in general. Yes, I think the entire program should chill out on that issue. That's my opinion. As I indicated, the program is a good one and should stand on its own merits. Telling people that they can't visit other programs is kind of like saying "you committed to my program and for the entire year, no matter what, you can't look at any other programs, no matter how unhappy you are. If you are unhappy - too bad, you can't look elsewhere or else you're suspended." THAT is what I think portrays itself as insecure, and should be "chilled out", hence the :chillpill:.
Back to the topic at hand, I feel bad for someone who cannot wear another gym's shirt to practice. This, of course, goes to the people who do not have mandatory practice clothes.