Cheer is a business.
Supermarkets are a business.
Clothing is a business.
Food is a business.
You don't always go to the same supermarket/clothes store/cafe. Say you go to whole foods, but then traders joe opens up in town. You go to traders joe and you prefer it, so you keep going there. It's a business and it offers better, so why keep going to the other one? Just like cheer, if a new business opens up and you prefer it there is no reason to keep going to the other one.
Say your dry cleaning place SUCKS, so you refuse to tip as you are not satisfied with their job. You are not paying for something that you don't like, right? So if your cheer team has a monthly fee of $150, but the team never learns anything and is disorganised, and you refuse to pay the fee and you pull your child out. Again, you aren't paying for something that doesn't deserve your payment.
+leaving fees. Why should you have to pay a fee for being able to leave something you hate? They just confuse me.