No thank you. Not a fan. I don't have a problem with gyms expanding even far from their original locations. I don't have an issue with coaches splitting from their gym and opening a new gym, and athletes following them (some of you may know that's exactly what happened that brought me to the program I finished my allstar years with and I fully support that program and the way it was done). But there are good ways to cut ties with a program, and ditching your teams mid season and opening a new gym immediately is not that. I've been a part of a team where coaches left mid season and it's always been for unprofessional and immature reasons, so that is probably coloring my opinion on this (just throwing it out there).
Idk if the kids leaving part is true, but if so I blame their parents. Older generations can talk and talk about how we need instant gratification but kids can't just switch gyms without parental support, after all theyre the ones paying (typically). Teach your kids to follow through on their commitments. Don't just let them switch gyms because they feel like it today and then complain about how we're a society that needs instant gratification. Unless there are bigger issues like the gym stealing money or coaches abusing your children - but considering they're *reportedly* following the coach that's not the case - there's really no reason you shouldn't finish the season (when you're this far in).
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