As a native Pittsburgher who cheered at two of the biggest gyms in the Burgh, I think this is a FANTASTIC idea! My sister and I always used to talk about how amazing it would be for all the Pittsburgh gyms to unite and create one Mega-Gym that would actually be able to compete with the big dogs (CA, World Cup, CEA, etc.). Pittsburgh & Northern WV have some amazing talent (Have you seen Brooke HS?) that goes unrecognized because it's spread out between 5 gyms. For one big super-gym to open & become successful in Pittsburgh, there has to be a big name behind it. No Level 5 Athlete is going to go to leave their gym for some brand new no name gym. Let's be honest, everyone dreams of competing in that CEA uniform. It would finally give these athletes incentive to band together. I do see the downside though, the local gyms will most likely go under. However, this new CEA location will need a knowledgeable & seasoned staff ;)