I found this when I was scrolling through the old threads today (bored Sunday problems). Just thought I would bring it up
@BlueCat, it's been 5 years since you posted this (The original question was "Where will cheer be in 5/10 years?") We're still waiting on that universal scoresheet though :( What are your thoughts, looking back on this post?
Well, I got some of them right.
More big name gyms will expand. That is clearly true. I believe that trend will continue. I don't, however, believe the doomsayers that claim 4-5 programs will own most of the cheer gyms. Running multiple gyms well is dramatically harder than running one. (In fairness, though, I would never have thought there would be so much consolidation in the event industry.)
Universal scoresheet, public scoring. I still think it is absurd that these haven't happened completely.
Worlds still at Disney, spread out over 4 days instead of 2.
Same basic complaints. I was pretty close on this.
New gym will have won Worlds. I don't believe this is true and I believe this is becoming harder and harder with the rise of Summit. I believe Summit, if it continues in its current form, has/will create more split between the "haves" and the "have nots" in the long run. This will make it even tougher for someone to break in at the Worlds level. As always, I could be wrong. I am not a big fan of Summit. (The event is generally well run, but I don't like the push it has on the industry for multiple reasons.)
China will have won Worlds. I think this is less likely now. China certainly has the resources to pull this off if they chose to focus on it, I just don't think they will go that direction. (The Olympic thing could change this.)
Reality Show in large senior. This was a bit tongue-in-cheek, but I hope this does NOT happen.
Justin Carrier president of Varsity. I would have much higher level of trust in big V if this were the case. Justin is a rock star, IMO.