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I'm with you....maybe if we make sure we are at least 12 inches from the glass than we will not be classified!

I'm sitting in the second row from now on! Because I DO have a I'll have to let her know too!
Ha ha! Garfield moms! ;) Suctioned cupped to the window like those old Garfield stuffed animals.
oooooooooooooooooh we have one of those at our gym!!!! She talks to the window too like her cp can hear her on THE OTHER SIDE of the gym from the lobby. she turns to talk to the other moms (mainly about how her cp can do a backwalk over but she has a mental block) and you can see their faces like "omg she's talking again QUICK QUICK look away!!! don't make eye contact!" sorry...i had to get that out lol
My little one is like that too...SHE HAS SIX PACK ABS AND IS A WINNER!!!! Kidding aside, we do have this long running joke about how I don't feed her so that she can stay skinny and in the air. When we tell new parents that, they look at us crazy but then we just tell them about the joke. It's funny because when mom's bring snacks, they always give my little one an extra if they have it and tell her 'hide it from your mom and eat it later' ;-D

People do the same to my daughter! She will be 17 in a week and is 4'11 and 80 pounds soaking wet! People are always telling her that she's too small and she needs to eat. When she was a gymnast, the joke was that we wanted her to be the next Nadia and when she switched to cheer, the joke was we didn't feed her, so she could stay in the air. Now that she's in college, the joke is she wants to stay tiny,so she can pick-up a football player heading to the pros....because all football players date tiny girls.:rolleyes: When the truth is, she can eat any football player under the table!

Now...I am fine with moving kids up levels and age groups if they have the skills. But I do have 2 issues with this--one, like I said before, I think eight is tooooo young. Maybe if she was moving up to a Junior team...but Senior is just too mature for an 8 year old.

This part of my thoughts may not be so popular...but that's never stopped me before so here goes: WHY on earth is someone moving up THREE age groups to be on a Level 3 team??? It's Level 3 for God's sake. They couldn't find enough kids to fill a Senior 3 team without moving an 8 year old up? I mean, it's not like she's so amazing she's crossing to a J5 or anything. I just feel like she should wait. I know that waaaaiiittting is a hard concept for a lot of these kids to even wrap their heads around (or more likely their MOMS:rolleyes:), but I seriously can not dream up one good reason for an 8 year old to be on a Senior 3 team. Sometimes I think it's just so the mom can say "Oh, my Susie is only 8 and she's on a SENIOR team. Pay attention to us because we're so awesome--way more awesome than anyone else!":rolleyes: Can anyone give me a GOOD reason for an 8 year old to be on a Senior 3 team? (And no, I don't consider "She has a tuck and can double down and they don't have a Y3 or J3 team!" to be good reason. She can wait another year or 2 and perfect the skills she has. I don't necessarily want to sit here and "pick on" a child's skills, but really...she could work on perfecting her Level 1 and 2 skills before she worries about competing at Level 3.)

I agree with you 100%! When my daughter was a gymnast who decide she wanted to give cheer a try. So our coach suggested Gym A with a J5. Not knowing anything about cheer, we went ahead and let her tryout and she was placed on a J5, at 8. She had a great year and loved every second of it and my husband and I loved all of the cheer knowledge she learned, being on a older team, but as soon as the season was over, we switched her to Gym B, that had a Y4. She didn't get to use all of her skills, but she had true friends and we didn't worry about her learning anything to old for her. I feel like these young kids being put on Jr/Sr. teams at such young ages, is pushing them, too hard and too fast. They have years of cheer left to be on a senior team, so enjoy the Tiny/Mini/Youth age, before its gone.
Thanks. ;) Not a rocket scientist, even if I do feel like one in comparison to some of the "window lickers." (See, I told you I'd start using that!)

You might want to think twice before using the term "window licker". It is also a derogatory term used to describe a person with special needs and some people could take offense.
You might want to think twice before using the term "window licker". It is also a term used to describe a person with special needs and some people could take offense.

I actually prefer the way KikiD22 uses the word. I take more offense when someone uses the word to describe person with special needs. But to each its own....
Sorry, never heard that term prior to Tuesday night, and definitely not in reference to anyone with special needs. Guess I learned something new today.
I actually prefer the way KikiD22 uses the word. I take more offense when someone uses the word to describe person with special needs. But to each its own....

I prefer the way she is using it too, I'm just saying people could get the wrong idea and take offense.
@cheerdaddy Actually - thank you for posting that, I thought the window licker term was hilarious in terms of certain cheer moms and was going to mention it at practice. I will refrain now that I know it has another definitely not so nice usage. (But I will still mention Garfield moms:p.)
You might want to think twice before using the term "window licker". It is also a derogatory term used to describe a person with special needs and some people could take offense.
I am so sorry, I had NO idea that had any other meaning. We love our GEMS at our gym & I would never say anything that hurt them our anyone else with special needs.
I am so sorry, I had NO idea that had any other meaning. We love our GEMS at our gym & I would never say anything that hurt them our anyone else with special needs.

Trust me, I know you didn't mean it that way, that's why I wanted to put it out there to prevent any misunderstandings. And yes, we do love our GEMS!
did you read what cheermomma said? this is crazy and trying to make a CHILD famous just because they are cheerleaders is SHAMEFUL!!! If the parents wanted stardom they should get their children into acting where "getting mobbed" is to be expected. yes there are a lot more WORSE things a parent can do. But to subject your children to this, take the fun out of cheerleading, have your child have no say, (like an 8 year old knows what a facebook is) all because of cheerleading...this makes me very angry! Its pathetic and selfish! At least Maddie and Erica were old enough to decide what they wanted but these children are 7 and 8 years old.
Why do the parents in cheerleading have to go over the boundaries and take everything to the limit? You dont see this type of stuff happening in any other sport. I would love if cheerleading could just be "normal" I would hate to see someone getting hurt because of CRAZY parents taking things a little too far

If you think that you don't see this kind of craziness in any other sport, then you have never been involved with another sport. My kids do cheer, track, soccer, baseball and ballet, and trust me I have seen some extremely crazy baseball parents that have scared me when the scream at the kids. I have even seen crazy track parents that run half way along the fence with their child. Anything that is competetive, even marching band, has lots and lots of CRAZY in it. That is just the way people have allowed it to get.

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