Gabi’s parents are something else. At first I was like, I’m not a parent; IDK anything. And if I did have a super talented kid, I’m sure I’d want to be involved in their life and career as well.
But I’d do it to make sure they were making good decisions and not getting taken advantage of... not because I was trying to monetise every last cent from their skills. And it seems like they’re doing just that. All while making themselves intractable in her life and talking down to her like she’s a child, which only sends the message: “You can’t do any of this without our help, and you shouldn’t even dare to try because you’re the (20-something) kid and we’re the adults.” It just hamstrings/guilts her into doing whatever they want, which is hugely unfair since she’s literally the only one doing the work that anyone cares about. I’m sure her dad makes a few calls now and then, but it’s her who is flying all over the country to compete on multiple teams, juggling school, and committing herself to any appearances her dad can drum up. AND dealing with her snippy sisters who somehow feel she owes them even more than she’s already given. Everyone wants a piece of this kid and she just sits there and takes it because she thinks it’s normal for your family exploit her skills and then act like she owes them.
I used to think her life was pretty great: cheer at most lost elite teams on the planet, travel the world and model in your off time, and get paid to do what you love. Who wouldn’t choose that life? Now I just feel bad for her and want her to be okay.
I feel like she’s going to push back hard. Probably sooner rather than later. I think this doc will be the catalyst now that people are coming to her and saying, “Hey... this isn’t normal.” And when she does push back, it’s going to be rough on everyone. I really wouldn’t be surprised if she quits for a year because of all the BS coming from the people who are supposed to support her, not exploit her.
Maybe I’m taking out of turn, but it all really bothered me.