All-Star Cheer Pet Peeves

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- When a flyer falls on purpose.
- When a flyer falls and blames it on the group.
- Slow competitions.
- When people don't have any emotion on their face at competition. Could you at least act like you want to be there?
- When a coach says "Last time full out" and you do it 3 more times.
- When people can't land something or are having trouble tumbling and they fall every time and get mad at themselves but they don't go to tumbling or take lessons.
- When your stunt falls and your team talks about your group behind your back, but really they're right next to you and you can hear them.
- When a flyer falls and the group doesn't make one attempt to catch her.
- People who feel they are in their own world and no ones around them at competition. For example, at Return to Atlantis F5 was on and in front of the stage was all filled up but you could still see. So I tried recording from my seat and I could see until 2 women feel the need to stand up and block EVERYONE behind them. I yelled "sit down" about 10 times. But they didn't hear. They didn't even move to the side or anything.
- Coaches who have favorites, so it's ok when they walk in 5 mins late but not ok when I do?

i can agree with 99% of everything you said here!
-when a stunt hits, and the sound effect is off. ex: a full up hits at the top, few seconds later as the full up is transitoning the "ding" sound goes off

-when people wear there nice clothes to practice, i just don't see the point of wearing brand name shirts like abercrombie to practice when it will just get sweaty and gross
Still on the top of my list. Missing Practice!!! Every year there are one or two members that account for most of the absences. Don't you realize what that does to your team and when you do show up everyone else has to work harder? Next time don't come back.
My biggest pet peeve is when your at a cheer comp and they change all the Mens restrooms to womens and males have to go clear across the venue to use a restroom. I understand it helps cut down the lines since the attendants are primarily female, but still it is annoying!

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*When girls/guys do facials directly at you when they are on the mat..its really awkward and it makes them look weird.
*Uniforms that don't fit the girls
*One and a half fulls
*Excessive sound effects
*All one color uniforms
*Not wearing deoderant/sports bras
*When the coach turns around while their team is preforming to "pump up the crowd"..sit down.
*Parents that totally steal your seat that you were clearly sitting in
*When the compeititon schedule is nothing close to the actual time it started/ended
Most of them aren't even pretty! :( This year my team did pike arches, toe arches, and a ball out. They looked SO much better than twist tosses that just flopped up there.
@ KRECCheer,
OMG!!! ME TOO!!!! 110% agree with you!!
feet waayy crossed in double downs. like please pull them together, really.
bent legs in scales
when flyers can barely pull a scorp.
even worst, when a flyer has to hold her wrist in a scorp!
cheater bow and arrows
cheater full ups
athletes who CLEARLY do no have the skills for the level of team theyre on
athletes who 'only' stunt, and dont even concider tumbling
when a coach has their fav team (basically the top team)
when a coach praises certain athletes on everything they do, but barely smiles at others
when competition mats are any other colour but blue
when a team doesnt have a clean comp run all season. like seriously, if ur having that much trouble with the stunt. down grade
when a team automatically thinks they're gunna win
and the total opposite, when athletes and total downers and keep saying that the team sux and that they're gunna lose
B*tchy teams
really old unis
crop tops where the elastic on the bottom is worn out!
girls who dont compete in sport bras
when the pants for the guy unis arn't the same colour as the girls skirt

...i could go on forever, sorry for any repeats, i didnt read all the way through
feet waayy crossed in double downs. like please pull them together, really.
bent legs in scales
when flyers can barely pull a scorp.
even worst, when a flyer has to hold her wrist in a scorp!
cheater bow and arrows
cheater full ups
athletes who CLEARLY do no have the skills for the level of team theyre on
athletes who 'only' stunt, and dont even concider tumbling
when a coach has their fav team (basically the top team)
when a coach praises certain athletes on everything they do, but barely smiles at others
when competition mats are any other colour but blue
when a team doesnt have a clean comp run all season. like seriously, if ur having that much trouble with the stunt. down grade
when a team automatically thinks they're gunna win
and the total opposite, when athletes and total downers and keep saying that the team sux and that they're gunna lose
B*tchy teams
really old unis
crop tops where the elastic on the bottom is worn out!
girls who dont compete in sport bras
when the pants for the guy unis arn't the same colour as the girls skirt

...i could go on forever, sorry for any repeats, i didnt read all the way through

So annoying. I hate that. I must admit tumbling isn't my strongest point but at least I try you know?

and girls who don't wear sports bras in general.. not cute.
Kick doubles, double downs with the flyers ankles are everywhere
Toe touch baskets where the flyer is loopsided
Level five doing level two tick tocks
Aero doubles that dont square to the front
Stunts that can easily be saved FALL!
Cheerleaders with straight hair, curls people!
Pink cheer shoes (no names)
When people fall on triple to backs
Talking during practice
Marking things in practice that we need to concentrate on
When you have the same girl or boy tumble 17 times individually, give them a break
Level 2 teams that rebound out of roundoff backhandsprings
When teams do group synchronized baskets I HATE THIS
Teased hair
Tiny tots and youth with half tops
Flexed toes in jumps, even though i do it too
Limping ON TO the mat
When parents are pumping candy and energy drinks in to their kids
The worlds party -_-
Girls all over their boyfriend at comp
Dancing at awards
Pre mixed music
Jewlrey at practice
That worlds take
Low pontyails
How there are never any stuff for boys at comps
Kick doubles, double downs with the flyers ankles are everywhere
Toe touch baskets where the flyer is loopsided
Level five doing level two tick tocks
Aero doubles that dont square to the front
Stunts that can easily be saved FALL!
Cheerleaders with straight hair, curls people!
Pink cheer shoes (no names)
When people fall on triple to backs
Talking during practice
Marking things in practice that we need to concentrate on
When you have the same girl or boy tumble 17 times individually, give them a break
Level 2 teams that rebound out of roundoff backhandsprings
When teams do group synchronized baskets I HATE THIS
Teased hair
Tiny tots and youth with half tops
Flexed toes in jumps, even though i do it too
Limping ON TO the mat
When parents are pumping candy and energy drinks in to their kids
The worlds party -_-
Girls all over their boyfriend at comp
Dancing at awards
Pre mixed music
Jewlrey at practice
That worlds take
Low pontyails
How there are never any stuff for boys at comps

Any color shoes except white:/ I hate black ones too.
my pet peeves
-double bouncing smooshes
-fliers who have been on the team a while, and still dont have even basic one footed skills
-coaches who favor kids
-coaches who dont care about the kids who are having trouble tumbling
-people who say "i know" when you tell them how to fix somthing
-when dance sections do not have energy
-as a high school coed cheerleader, when we go to a competition, and we are one of one in the co-ed large division... or when the put us in the co-ed small division so we have someone to compete against, and we win. like.. comon? <--maybe a little cocky but seriously
-as a high school cheerleader... girls who get skirts, and roll them up, so they are butt skimming and they look terrible
-when coaches hand out uniforms that are obviously too big for them
-not pushing yourself
-oh, last one! when a coach puts a top girl into a more advanced spot in the pyramid because she is a favorite, and half of the time she doesnt do the skill right, but they'll keep them there, because they are favorited.
It's not really a cheer pet peeve as such, but it's when gyms don't ship outside of the USA, or when they don't let you pay any other way than credit card, let me use paypal >_>!!

But from a fan points of view, It REALLY irritates me when the best flyer isn't the point flyer, I just think like whats the point in that?
Any colour but white shoes, it just makes the team look less... allstarish... especially in dance sections.

but one of my BIGGEST pet peeves from watching videos, is when at worlds they have them old men in the straw hats "shooing" the crowd back, it's like YOU'RE IN THIER WAY, TOP GUN IS ON THE FLOOR OFC PEOPLE ARE GOONA BE CRAZY!! You can tell people to stay back without blocking thier view and shooing them back when they OBVIOUSLY can't go back anymore!

Or when the spotters shoo the team off the floor, let them have like 30 seconds to jump around that they just hit thier routine perfectly!
feet waayy crossed in double downs. like please pull them together, really.
bent legs in scales
when flyers can barely pull a scorp.
even worst, when a flyer has to hold her wrist in a scorp!
cheater bow and arrows
cheater full ups
athletes who CLEARLY do no have the skills for the level of team theyre on
athletes who 'only' stunt, and dont even concider tumbling
when a coach has their fav team (basically the top team)
when a coach praises certain athletes on everything they do, but barely smiles at others
when competition mats are any other colour but blue
when a team doesnt have a clean comp run all season. like seriously, if ur having that much trouble with the stunt. down grade
when a team automatically thinks they're gunna win
and the total opposite, when athletes and total downers and keep saying that the team sux and that they're gunna lose
B*tchy teams
really old unis
crop tops where the elastic on the bottom is worn out!
girls who dont compete in sport bras
when the pants for the guy unis arn't the same colour as the girls skirt

...i could go on forever, sorry for any repeats, i didnt read all the way through

Those are mine

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