- Girls that allllllllways complain about cheering. If you hate it so much, why are you still here?
- When teams do floorwork choreography and you get a nice crotch shot..
- When a girl tumbles to the corner, then has to RUN to her spot in the back or opposite side... Is there not any other closer place you could put them?
- On the youth and junior teams, when the girls bows are bigger than their heads.
- When they showcase something, but it really isn't showcasing because there's ten thousand other things going on around it and you miss what they're "showcasing".
- When you warm up, and you're sooo excited to perform.. You get into the holding area and everything's going normal. Then finally, you're the next team to go on.. then there's some random 10 minute break.
- Over-used songs in routines.
- When the center stunt falls.. I know some can't help it, but my eyes always go to the center stunt and it's dissapointing when they fall.
- When hard specialty passes go first in running tumbling, and then other fulls start going before it's over so either one you watch, your missing something.
- When one double goes in a group of fulls and you can barely tell.
- When you have groups of fulls going AFTER doubles.
- When preps fall in pyramids, and the harder skills can't go because of the fallen prep. Really? ... A Prep?
- Provacative dancing/music.. on any age group.
- When people don't hold the end of the routine they just automatically jump up and down or hug someone.
- Annoying announcers.
- When a girl is on quite a few different teams, and by the time they perform for the last time of the day they're tired, and they end up letting that team down because they've competed a few times before.
- Crotch shots in pyramids, or when the girls stand in preps or hitches backwards in the pyramid, for extended amounts of time. We dont wanna see your butt!
I'm gonna stop myself.. Buttttt there ya go :)