I HATE how the girls on my high school team know NOTHING about cheerleading in general.
I'm one of the tallest on my hs team (also only one that has ever done allstars) and I mentioned to one of my best friends on my team that I wanted to fly this year (all we do are preps, but I want to change that up since I'm also the only one that has decent balance on one leg and can even do a stretch or a bow) and she goes "you're too tall to fly....there's no one taller than you to base you. (so and so) is the shortest so she's gonna fly not you" and I go "Maddie Gardner is taller than her whole stunt group". And of course none of them know who she is so I looked like the idiot there.
And my coach (who used to coach allstars before she had her baby) said "everyone show me some stretches we're gonna start picking flyers" (meaning stretch, bow, scorp and scale) so everyone goes and does the splits while i'm standing up doing a heel stretch and everyones looking at me like im crazy even though I'M doing the right thing.
AHHHH sorry needed to vent.
idk why i put up with ittttt