All-Star Cheer Pet Peeves

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At Competitions
-Slow awards ceremonies. Shoot me now.
-Jammy. He scares me.
-Some cheer and then "YOU KNOW!" before you compete. I've seen like 478529456297 gyms do this. (No offense if yours does.)
-Disrespect from other gyms/spectators.
-Cowbells and airhorns.
-Death stares from competition.
-Rude competition staff.
-Female announcers with obnoxious voices.
-Monotone announcers.
-PDA. Eww.

Ahahahaha. This just made my entire day.
When girls with hair that's half up try to do a hair flip and the hair doesn't go anywhere. It's not really a HAIR flip, it's more like a head twitch. It just looks kind of funny to me.
When small town All Star teams think they're the best just because they placed first at a USA competition. Like really? Barely anyone goes to those!

When small town gyms unknowingly choose the same gym name as a major gym

When senior teams have a little kid on their team! Not even because the little kid is good or has nice technique, but because the kid is easy to lift.

When little girls wear crop tops. They just look so awkward!

Windbreaker jackets for the team jacket

Plain white bows
When cheer moms think their daughter is the best flyer in the world and should be center all the time, when their daughter cannot flyer worth a bean.
Cheer parents conspirating. No. Just no.
Mostly when cheer parents spout off about other gyms, same goes with the girls too, when they no nothing about that gym or topic.
Laziness from all areas of the routein and people in it.
Missing practices.
Bad sportsmanship.
Lack of determination.

Blah blah blah the list goes on and on.
When small town All Star teams think they're the best just because they placed first at a USA competition. Like really? Barely anyone goes to those!

When small town gyms unknowingly choose the same gym name as a major gym

When senior teams have a little kid on their team! Not even because the little kid is good or has nice technique, but because the kid is easy to lift.

When little girls wear crop tops. They just look so awkward!

Windbreaker jackets for the team jacket

Plain white bows
no need to hate on the little gyms :P
even when they do win a comp and think they're all that. Let them have their glory just as much as a big name gym winning worlds. a win is a win. celebrate it.
and when they unknowingly choose the same name as a big time gym. well they didnt mean to! lol
I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but i hate how on my HS team, some of the girls party w/ guys & stuff. & its just that they drink alot of alcohol & make complete fools of themselves. They are representing our school so I don't really think its appropriate of them doing slutty poses & post their pics on fb. & another thing is that our flyers party too. & I'm a base & whenever my flyer has gotten intoxicated over the weekend, it really irritates me cause I'm a base & I don't want to try my hardest to keep her in the air if she wont actually take care of her body. The drinking affects everyone on my team tho. like they dont have any stamina whatsoever cause they all don't take time stretching @ home or doing some AB crunches.
I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but i hate how on my HS team, some of the girls party w/ guys & stuff. & its just that they drink alot of alcohol & make complete fools of themselves. They are representing our school so I don't really think its appropriate of them doing slutty poses & post their pics on fb. & another thing is that our flyers party too. & I'm a base & whenever my flyer has gotten intoxicated over the weekend, it really irritates me cause I'm a base & I don't want to try my hardest to keep her in the air if she wont actually take care of her body. The drinking affects everyone on my team tho. like they dont have any stamina whatsoever cause they all don't take time stretching @ home or doing some AB crunches.

I know this is a tad dramatic, but after my junior year my high school team cheer season was a DRY season. partying during competition season (christmas break included) lead to immediate removal from the team. during the off season, we can go out, but if any inappropriate pictures or stories found their way to the mainstream, our coach had a "warning" punishment, like dismissal for a week or from a few games, depending on the situation. of course it didn't turn us all into angels right away, but I think it has a great part of our success at nationals and it gets better every year. never heard a bad thing about any of this year's girls. yes they have a life, just not during cheer season ;) praying for a top 3 finish at UCA nat's this year for them!!
no need to hate on the little gyms :p
even when they do win a comp and think they're all that. Let them have their glory just as much as a big name gym winning worlds. a win is a win. celebrate it.
and when they unknowingly choose the same name as a big time gym. well they didnt mean to! lol

Yeah I guess you're right :) I need to chill. I was recently a member of one and I dunno I guess it just wasn't for me.
I literally scream my brains out when coaching or competing. It's not a hard concept: Arms by your sides and figure out a path and stick to it.
Also... Double downs that are not squared up, and jump timing.
the people constantly complaining. "oh i'm so tired. oh i'm so sore. omg i have so much homework." nothing even cheer related, so there's no need to complain about it during cheer! cuz we all feel the same way, but you don't hear us saying it!
Hmmm.... my list could go on for-eva!! Just a few minor ones...

  • Fake hair...I call these Phony-tails.
  • Being late for practice, and the parent says, "don't make her condition, it's my fault she was late!" Really, Mrs. X? How about you do the conditioning for her then?
  • The "call me" hand motion after a pass...
  • Forgetting to wear shoes to practice...try that at school/the mall/a restaurant and see how far it gets you...
I don't like when gyms only go to small competitions so they can win. That's not how you build a program, mix it up! Go to your small nationals, but go to a few big ones too! If you've been around for years and other programs in the state haven't heard of you - that's a problem.
I have so many pet peeves but I will try to keep it short
1) waiting in line for the ladies room at a comp. for a long time only to have the cheerleader in front of me be joined by half of the girls on her team,who now are going to use the bathroom too. P.S. any cheerleader who needs to use the bathroom and is going on soon is always welcome to go to the head of the line!!!
2) cheerleaders who hog the sinks because they are doing makeup or hair. Then finally when you get to the sink it is filled with glitter and hair..yuck!!! I do understand if you travel far or go on later you may want your hair and make up to be fresh,but find a nice place outside the bathroom where you can sit with all your friends and be more comfortable.
3) when your team is going to perform and you get to the VIP section only to find cheerleaders from other teams sitting in the seats or PARENTS from other teams sitting in the seats...the cheerleaders get up when you ask them but I can't believe some of the parents...they do not get up or they lie and say they are on the team P.S. I know you are not on the team and I can see your team shirt under your jacket!! Worst yet is fighting cheerleaders from your own team for a seat... I love the support of the teammates but really that is MY child up there ...let me sit!!
4) super aggressive/competitive cheer parents within your own gym.. stop pushing your kids so much. Everyone learns at their own pace. Your CP doesnt alway need to be the first with a new skill, they do not need to be in the gym 24/7 even if they are the ones that want to be there. It is your job as a parent to be sure your child gets some "down" time. If you think your child aways is the star or needs to be the star remember this is a team sport everyone is important !!!
5) cheerleaders and parents that cheer for their first place team when the second place team is announced...has to be the worst!!!! Please let the 2nd place team cheer when their team is announced,they are excited too. They deserve to have their voices heard for their win, just like all the other teams. They shouldnt be drowned out by the 1st place team. 1st place team WAIT until your team is announced then cheer. Trust me it is much better to hold your excitment for after you hear your team,there is an added feeling when you are able to let it all out AFTER the announcement !!!

Thank goodness I kept this SHORT!!!!!!!!
After reading so many cheer parent issues....mine is a little different...

The ASSUMPTION that because I sit in the stands - watch the practices - take photos - learn about cheer - talk to the coaches - etc that I am a devil cheer mom.... that being a "cheer mom" is a negative! I agree there are "those" parents but....
I learn about everything my kids do - I want to KNOW what they are talking about - the terminology - how hard they work to obtain their goals - I want to celebrate their accomplishments and hug out the frustrations! I want to be part of their lives for the short amount of time they are under my roof before they have thier "own" lives -- I want to be able to say 'remember when" in 5-10-20 years!!
Be it cheer or school or anything.
Not only do I like to celebrate my childrens accomplishments but that of others in the gym - it is amazing to watch kids get new talents or stick a stunt they haven't before or learn any new skill no matter what is amazing to watch a coach have the patience and time and talent to help the kids obtain these goals...
If she decided tomorrow she didn't want to do it I would learn all about the next thing that is her "thing"....
I think it is sad and FRUSTRATING to feel like because I am involved I am a pain....the coaches coach -- I support -- the coaches are the final word -- I keep the talk POSITIVE no matter if I agree or not.... not all of us are bad!

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