I love all of this! Here are a few of mine:
Girls talking during practice... like, stfu
Parents who think just cuz their kid can tumble that she's amazing when she can't jump, stunt, or hit a motion to save her life
When girls catch an attitude with their coaches for giving a correction or yelling... hello, that's what coaching is
FAKE UPS INSTEAD OF FULL UPS- you know this, when they really do a half up and the group walks around the other half turn... even Shooting Stars did this last year at one point... yuck just hit a fullup
Bangs in the face... ANY bang, side or front... spray that back, ew
Heelstretches to the side or scorpions that start pulling from the ankle instead of the foot
OLD SCHOOL CHEER CURLS... gross knock it off
Hair pieces in general.... so nasty
Competitions that don't use USASF rules... my kids lost to a team that had NO majority anything, just because the judges liked their routine... bulll
FLYING ON THE LEFT LEG... cut it out, it's wrong and your kids will never go beyond high school like that
Flyers doing different body positions at the same time... like you have a scale in the middle and 2 libs on each side.... yay look we have one properly trained flyer, just ignore the others...
Collisions during transitions... figure it out guys
Formations that are too far forward on the mat... you don't have to be on top of us
Formations where the lines are too close to each other and it looks like a big clump... peanut butta jelly spread out
When you have 2 panels between your stunt group... it just looks sloppy, and I cant see what the hell is going on in the 9th panel, come on
Timing off on jumps and tumbling
DOUBLE DIPPING... you know what I mean, when tapping down from stunts or doing release moves in pyramids, etc.... why are you taking 2 dips, just throw that ish back up
Boys going all-girl stunting
7 year olds flying on senior teams
Other coaches in your program getting offended when you correct one of their kids... hello, that ho fell outta her stunt at every comp so far, and I just told her one thing and it's hitting... thank me you idiot
The absence of trick baskets in level 3.... all I'm seeing is full twists, whatever happened to toe touches, pikes, ball outs, kicks?
A certain Level 4 team who won "Best Level 4 pyramids" and "Best Level 4 stunts" at AllStarChallenge but did not have ANY Level 4 tricks in their pyramid and only 1 in their stunt sequence... I'm sorry, but being clean is easy when you have NO difficulty
And that brings me to... CLEAN AND EASY SHOULD NOT BEAT TEAMS WITH MORE DIFFICULTY... anyone can do the bare minimum and make it clean
Crossovers... that's why there's a small division... if you only have 12 kids that are Level 3, then make them a team of 12.... not fair to put 15 Level 4 and 5 kids on it and make it large. Making a level 4.2 that consists of half your Level 4 team is also NOT CUTE
Parents who think you are "targeting" their kid because you have to yell at them all the time.... no, your kid is the problem, not me
Girls who wear non-cheer shoes to practice... come on, really?
Girls who roll their eyes for any reason, but particularly when I ask them to remove the jewelry store they are wearing....
Girls who get a manicure right before practice or a piercing during the season
Competitions that give you 5 minutes of warm up time... uh, yeah if we were warming up for jazzercise... idiots
Competitions that claim to have a spring floor but when you get there, it's the foam stuff... dislike, not the same
I could go on and on... I think I already did LOL