All-Star Cheer Pet Peeves

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coming from a coach's point of view....

-I can't stand DIVAS. Those girls that whine, cry, and blame every other girl for THEIR mistakes.
-I hate when girls cry over being removed from a certain position. If you aren't doing your job as a base/back/flyer you WILL be replaced. If your motions or jumps aren't strong, you WILL be replaced.
-Eye rolling and bad attitudes. I understand that you are a hormonal teenager but PLEASE show me respect.
-PLEASE STOP MISSING PRACTICES FOR OTHER SPORTS. If your basketball or lacrosse practice is more important, please stop wasting our time.
-Parents that are overly involved in their child's life
-Bullies. Your team is your second family. You WILL respect every girl on your team. I don't care if you are enemies at school...when you walk into practice, nothing else matters.

I think that's all for now..
When Flyers Land On Their Side In Cradles!
When Teams Are A Certain Level And They Have Little Of The Skills Required(Ex. Lvl 3 Team With 20 Kids But 5 Tucks)
I HATE how the girls on my high school team know NOTHING about cheerleading in general.
I'm one of the tallest on my hs team (also only one that has ever done allstars) and I mentioned to one of my best friends on my team that I wanted to fly this year (all we do are preps, but I want to change that up since I'm also the only one that has decent balance on one leg and can even do a stretch or a bow) and she goes "you're too tall to fly....there's no one taller than you to base you. (so and so) is the shortest so she's gonna fly not you" and I go "Maddie Gardner is taller than her whole stunt group". And of course none of them know who she is so I looked like the idiot there.
And my coach (who used to coach allstars before she had her baby) said "everyone show me some stretches we're gonna start picking flyers" (meaning stretch, bow, scorp and scale) so everyone goes and does the splits while i'm standing up doing a heel stretch and everyones looking at me like im crazy even though I'M doing the right thing.
AHHHH sorry needed to vent.
idk why i put up with ittttt
I HATE how the girls on my high school team know NOTHING about cheerleading in general.
I'm one of the tallest on my hs team (also only one that has ever done allstars) and I mentioned to one of my best friends on my team that I wanted to fly this year (all we do are preps, but I want to change that up since I'm also the only one that has decent balance on one leg and can even do a stretch or a bow) and she goes "you're too tall to fly....there's no one taller than you to base you. (so and so) is the shortest so she's gonna fly not you" and I go "Maddie Gardner is taller than her whole stunt group". And of course none of them know who she is so I looked like the idiot there.
And my coach (who used to coach allstars before she had her baby) said "everyone show me some stretches we're gonna start picking flyers" (meaning stretch, bow, scorp and scale) so everyone goes and does the splits while i'm standing up doing a heel stretch and everyones looking at me like im crazy even though I'M doing the right thing.
AHHHH sorry needed to vent.
idk why i put up with ittttt

that's exactly why i don't cheer HS. because, around here none are take seriously. and at my gym my flyer is clearly taller then her bases, even though the flyer is younger then them.

as for pet peeves, these were mainly from my team last year:
-when people get mad at you for correcting them, sorry, but when your a backspot watching another backspot stand seriously a foot away from the stunt and barely catching the flyer, that's a problem.
-unquailified coaches
-when the gym owner's daughter, and the daughter's friends, are treated like goddesses and can sit/talk/do whatever they want-the owner's kid should be even more disciplined IMO though

alright that's it for now
Ok, so here is my list absed off my experience:

I hate...
...when athletes interrupt me during practice when I explain stunts or whatever just because they think their idea is better.
...when all of a sudden the drama starts because you "forgot how to do it"
...when I see kids form other teams burst out laughing because another dream dropped or had someone hurt on the floor.
...when everyone walks around the floor during a routine and makes it impossible to look at whats going on.
...when parents forget they are grown ups at awards and boo at other teams for placing higher than their children.
...when athletes come up to me after competition and say things like: "But we were better!"-No obviously not!
...messed up body positions
...having to start all over with some kids at practice just because they don´t remember what I told them two days ago.
...when the teams that wins takes the second teams attention at awards because they are screaming their hearts out.
...when 99 percent of my kids are at practice busting their a** and two or three girls are constantly missing because of no reason and then afterwards they wonder why they got kicked off.
...when lazy girls try to instruct everyone around them instead of working on their own stunt which doesn´t even hit every other time. that exactly know how good they are but try to get attention by sainyg: can you have a look, it doens´t feel right. and then they do a killer tumbling pass and smile.
...from a judges perspective: excessive eye blinking. Just makes me nervous.
...crying on the mat.
...screaming and kicking your leg up during the routine.
...smoking at competitions in general.
...dramma at practice that doens´t even relate to cheerleading at all.

The list would be endless....
when people take off/unzip parts of their uniform during a competition
when people blame everything on others
when people try to learn advanced tumbling skills when they haven't perfected the ones before it
I HATE how the girls on my high school team know NOTHING about cheerleading in general.
I'm one of the tallest on my hs team (also only one that has ever done allstars) and I mentioned to one of my best friends on my team that I wanted to fly this year (all we do are preps, but I want to change that up since I'm also the only one that has decent balance on one leg and can even do a stretch or a bow) and she goes "you're too tall to fly....there's no one taller than you to base you. (so and so) is the shortest so she's gonna fly not you" and I go "Maddie Gardner is taller than her whole stunt group". And of course none of them know who she is so I looked like the idiot there.
And my coach (who used to coach allstars before she had her baby) said "everyone show me some stretches we're gonna start picking flyers" (meaning stretch, bow, scorp and scale) so everyone goes and does the splits while i'm standing up doing a heel stretch and everyones looking at me like im crazy even though I'M doing the right thing.
AHHHH sorry needed to vent.
idk why i put up with ittttt

im taller then everyoneeee on my team and i fly. so height isnt everything. its how you hold yourself in the air. (: so if you want to fly... tell your coach you want to try!
-it really bugs me when people on teams think they run the team b/c they have the last tumbling pass!!! or when people cross compete onto a lower team and they automatically think they have the last pass even when there are other people crossing from a higher level as well who want the last pass and who are working their butts off to get it! story of my life for my last three seasons!
- it bugs me when people bring their friends and boyfriends to comps and completely forget about their team and just hang with the people they brought
- when anyone (not just flyers) dont wear spanks under their shorts ugh! no one wants to see ur panties! or anything else down there!
- when people lie at school about their teams to people who dont know about cheer ie. one of my friends thought she was soooo cool cuz her team got an at large bid to worlds and they did absoloutley terrible they hit most of their routine and still didnt make it to day 2 i showed one of her friends their routine on the vod and they just laughed and asked why they even went to begin with she said they just made a fool of themselves haha it made me laugh but at the same time i felt kinds bad cuz they wasted all that money :(
-when coaches put a girl as point flyer and she falls at competition/ when any so-called "star flyers" fall it gets on my aboslute nerves!
- when people dont keep their ankles together in double downs or even full downs for that matter
-when a team does jumps to the diagonal and everyones diagonals are completely different
- when out of shape people come to practice and do absolutely nothing no wonder ur so out of shape dont think everyone else is gonna carry the team for u!
- the list goes on and on i'm sure ill be back on this tread soon haha

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