All-Star Cheer Pet Peeves

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Teams who walk into a competition with pajama's on. I know its been said 49375 times in this thread but this is so common at HS competitions. We dont even leave the school until everyone has their hair & makeup done and uniform on. Also wearing Uggs with your uniform! If anyone on our team did this they would be in so much trouble. They'd be running laps the entire next practice.

Coaches who don't even seem to care about their kids. Idk maybe its just me and what i'm used to but when our coaches have time at a comp they'll dance around with us, they'll talk to us about random things, we'll hug them ect. I hate to see coaches sit there and make their kids sit down and stay quiet while every other team is having a good time. Have fun with them!
A team who is completely orange from a spray tan. Come on people at least get it a day or two before the comp then shower and scrub a dud dud please..
People that fake injuries for attention. One time we had a girl on my team and she showed up to school & practice on crutches and she sat out but when it was time to cheer at the game after practice she was sudddenly fine, because her mom apparently didn't know she was "hurt".

And we have this girl on my team and she ALWAYS has something to complain about. "I'm not a good flyer" Well, you could be if you just tried 10 times harder!! So annoying.

Also I hate when you hear parents talking about other teams during this competion. At NHSCC this year there was this man bad talking about Germantown High School ( and if you don't know anything about them, they are awesome!) just becasue they had a stunt bobble or something. And my mom just yelled at him. And the parents of the girls he was talking about were sitting right behind him.
1) Missing practices - even before main competitions. Therefore, team can't practice pyramids or stunts. URGH.
2) Parents pulling their cheerleader out of teams mid season. Hello!!! You're affecting the whole team!
3) Parents thrashing other gyms - and lo and behold - few years later - joined that thrased gym. Lesson learnt - never bad mouth or thrash a gym. You never know what the future holds.
Can't stand when little girls try and tell me you're doing so and so incorrectly.
BE QUIET! I have been an allstar for five years now, do not try me.
Or when people don't take the practices seriously esp. before U.S. Finals or something.
Ikr! I mean like my mom and the owner are friends so sometimes she comes in to say hi or to sign something. Really other than that it's when I want to show her something like my bhs. Both of my parents are involved but to the point where they come in to see us do our routine or so I can show them a skill I just got.
I am nowhere close to skinny but I work my butt off every single practice and competition, My coach called me the senior member on the team because I had had the most experience out of everyone else.

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