Today was surreal! T&S Large Limited is in 1st for the paid bid and they had deductions (my kid, lol) She busted her triple toe back because one of the boys hit her hand during the third toe touch. We also had a bobble in the pyramid. Definitely room for improvement but her 1st ever competition with sr. coed was absolutely amazing!!! I am so proud of this team!!
Texas Lonestar Co-Red was flawless!! So entertaining and such perfection! I thoroughly enjoyed watching them!! Definitely deserving of a paid bid as well!!
Prodigy was so impressive! So much cleaner than I remember in years past. They are not too far away from earning a paid bid themselves!!
Twist & Shout small limited coed out of Tulsa scored VERY WELL considering they dropped 2 stunts!! They would also be in the hunt for paid bid if they were to hit everything!! I have watched this team go from average to amazing almost overnight!! So so so proud of those kids!!
Woodlands Elite Colonels were AMAZING and definitely deserving of 1st place in the Junior 5 division! Those kids are freaking amazing tumblers!! And their stunting is pretty amazing as well! :)
Twist & Shout Jr. 5 had several several issues today. Half of our team has literally tested positive for the flu all within the past 5 days. So it was no surprise to me that they were busting tumbling and struggling with stunts. But I'm glad they are getting their sicknesses out of the way now so they'll be healthy for NCA. We'll have to have the performance of a life time to have any change against Rays Green. :)
I also have to give a shout out to two other teams -- Texas Lonestar Youth 4 -- AMAZING!! Ya'll need to watch this team!! Their tumbling is so effortless and their pyramid is the freaking deal!!! They performed their little butts off today!! :)
And Twist & Shout Youth 4. Not quite as strong all around as Texas Lonestar, but they competed low to high lib to overstretch tick tocks AND two groups did full ups!! I think that's pretty impressive for a youth 4 team. AND this team is made up of mostly 9 and 10 year olds. We only have a handful of 11 year olds on the team. I see so much potential in this group of young ladies!! :)
I can't wait to go back tomorrow and see all the great cheerleading again!! Good luck to all teams!! Hit your skills and walk away happy no matter what!!