All-Star "cheer World" Book!!!!!

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BAD PEOPLE HAPPEN TO EVERY SINGLE SPORT. This crusade you're on trying to say how she's just telling her story and we should commend her for it, is absolutely RIDICULOUS. There are kids that are going to make bad decisions, IT'S CALLED BEING A TEENAGER. There are coaches/owners/parents that are BAD PEOPLE. THAT IS LIFE. IT HAPPENS. Stop trying to make it sound like Cheerleading is this huge mess of a problem. EVERY SPORT has this stuff happening. ::End Rant::

Please don't put words in my mouth, I didn't say anyone had to commend her, but if you think I am going sit by while a whistle blower defamed for stating what no one else wants to acknowledge even exists...well you don't know me either.

Being a teenager...WOW! Is that all you got? kids or adults who are allowed to continue to make bad decisions with no consequences is what is wrong with our society as a whole, to say it's called being a teenager...well WOW. Yes people make mistakes, but there should be someone there to make sure that they don't continue to make the same "bad mistakes" as you would call it. When you continue to repeat the bad action it's not a mistake, it is a CHOICE. Yes, there are bad coaches/owners/parents and while it may be life, to allow them to continue in a sport that involves underage children is not a mistake, it is a choice by those that would rather look the other way.

Instead of just bashing someone you don't know, why not try and discuss the issue at hand. Bad gym owners/coaches/parents and athletes and what to do about them. In most other sports, if a coach or athlete is drunk or high, most likely the only person affected would be them. I mean a high baseball player, would probably do a lot of swinging and not hit anything, or not catch the pop up coming his way. A stoned baseball coach might just be sleeping in the dug out during the game instead of paying attention. A cheer coach who steps outside during a water break and takes a couple of hits and then comes in and attempts to spot an athlete working on a new skill is a HUGE problem. When an athlete is hanging in the gym parking lot with their buddies right before practice taking a few hits and then coming in and is a base for my flyer, that is a HUGE problem. Try solving the problem instead of defending it.

I have kids that are adults and teens and I have grandchildren, don't attempt to lecture me on "being a teenager". Once is a mistake, repeating is a choice, remember that.
Steven, she DID REMOVE HERSELF from the problem. But not exposing these people is negligence. We are all in this for the kids. At the end of the day, it's all about the kids. And keeping hush about serious issues like this isn't right morally or ethically. What if a child gets hurt in this bad coaches care and you knew about it but didn't do anything more than just remove yourself from the situation???? Kids need ADULTS to do the right thing. Kids count on coaches to do the right thing and be role models.

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I agree with Tamara, this conversation is out of hand....

I'm going to go watch the news now and blast the reporters for outing criminals.

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Ok, last thing and then I'm done because it's IL drama and it's always off the deep end... If these people are horrible and she bashes these coaches and says she doesn't like them, WHY would her fiance be cheering there? You can't go write a book and call people out by name, and then be on their side supporting them. You just can't have it both ways.
She did title the book "Illinois" and she did mention in the book that she did not know if this happened anywhere else. It was her story. Obviously from your comment above about Illinois drama, there seems to be some there.
Well I'll just give my opinion with a sport who is trying to still get its feet off the ground with the general public, how does this girl think writing this type of book is going to help our sport? It doesn't. It screams attention. It may happen in her gym but I guarantee you it doesn't happen at Stingrays or Cheer Athletics or Cali. Quite frankly, I am not gonna defend anyone who is out to pull this sport down which guess what? Any normal person who reads this book is going to think, "Oh well that's why I don't put my daughter/son in cheer". It keeps the sport from growing so thank you author for having anyone who might be considering putting their child in our sport a quick read to give them a reason why not to. There are plenty of good moral gyms, It looks like you were just out looking for trouble because I know my gym, since I worked in it as well would never condone this as well as many other gyms who have commented on this thread would never condone this.
Steven, she DID REMOVE HERSELF from the problem. But not exposing these people is negligence. We are all in this for the kids. At the end of the day, it's all about the kids. And keeping hush about serious issues like this isn't right morally or ethically. What if a child gets hurt in this bad coaches care and you knew about it but didn't do anything more than just remove yourself from the situation???? Kids need ADULTS to do the right thing. Kids count on coaches to do the right thing and be role models.

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So you think she should expose them in a book to get money off of it as well as giving the general public yet another reason why cheer is a horrible sport? If you want to expose somebody, do it on fierceboard. We will talk about how wrong they were and kill their reputation in the "CHEER" world all day long. Don't give the public something to use against us as well.
I'm sure what the author brings up in the book doesn't only happen in Illinois Cheer Gyms. We all know the grass is Always greener on the other side. So now let's just put a disclaimer in our athlete and coaches handbooks that they can Never write a tell all book about their experiences.
You don't think it's happening at Cali? Wasn't there just an episode on "cheerleaders" about relationships within the team?
And as far as stingrays and other gyms, NO ONE here has said this happens at all gyms. I know several gyms where things like this do actually happen, but that doesn't mean all gyms are like that. My gym sure as heck isn't like that.
And no it doesn't push away people that may join the cheer world. It wakes them up to current issues. Which is great. If I was new to the industry and looking to join a gym, I'd want to do my research first and make a decision which gym would best suit my child (aka a safe one). And if anything is going to push our sport into looking bad, it's if a newbie goes into a bad gym with a bad coach and has a bad experience.

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First of all not all cheer gyms in Illinois are bad she did leave out names of two very successful gyms in Illinois and that makes me upset though she is making allstars cheer in Illinois sound so bad when it isn't. Yes she has a bad experience and I get it but if you love the sport like she says she does then why the hell would you make it sound so bad in your state. Also I read all the book everything and I don't get though that it is ok to put personally messages in a book about her ex boyfriends girlfriend when that has nothing to do about the allstar world at all! Now that makes me sick to my stomach putting information in there that should of never been said. Plus for her to use real names in this book upsets me you can put fake names and everything will be ok but to those people who names that she put in that book and the stuff she said that might not be true since she is going off of memory like she states how do you think they and their love ones feeling reading or reliving these moments. I think everyone is right to have speak her mid and I give her credit for coming out and saying all the bad things she did but I think there where some points in this book that went alittle too far for my liking.
Can I read this book online anywhere?
I can't find the sample can someone post the link