All-Star "cheer World" Book!!!!!

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Yes, NOW I am. I didn't even KNOW who these people were while the book was being written.
To be honest the thing that kept me from buying the book right away was the price - I pay around the same amount for well-established authors. After reading the sample I was glad I didn't buy the whole book right away.
As it was already mentioned in this thread - in my cheer world there were no drugs, no secret dating and no coaches who engaged in this behavior. I don't want to say those things aren't out there in someones cheer world, but there probably isn't more of those things among cheerleaders than there is among the rest of the population (even though I hope there is a lot less of those among cheerleaders, especially drugs). In the sample the "author" made it appear that the whole cheer world is like hers and I can gladly say it isn't.
Just from the sample I couldn't advise anyone to buy the book. Compared to other books in the same price-category this books needs to be revised a lot. The only good thing I can tell from the sample is, that the fierceboard was mentioned to go to for all things cheer - and I hope that everyone who wants to know more about the cheer world comes here.
The book is being talked about everywhere. ASGA, Cheer Channel, etc. I assure you I have ZERO affiliation with the book. If you read the book, you will see that since my name is mentioned nowhere. It's about Illinois, not Florida lol

I didn't say the book was about you. I said you were affiliated with these people somehow. I'm aware you're in FL. That doesn't mean you don't know this girl. I know people all over the US.

Wait....haha YOURE FROM ILLINOIS! Maybe the book is about you! :-O

I haven't read the whole book, but I'm pretty sure I'm not in it. Only because I'm sure someone would have told me by now, and I'm extremely boring so I doubt I would make it into anyone's tell all book. I certainly know many of the people mentioned in the first part that I did read though. And most people on here know that my cp's cheered at Famous for a short time, so it would stand to reason that I should know many of the people in it.

But I'm not all over Fierceboard trying to get people to buy the book. There are lots of books/movies/tv shows I love and think everyone should read/see. But I still don't start four threads about them. So I'm sticking with what I said. You know these people. Which is fine - if a friend or family member of mine wrote a book I'd probably promote it too. But if you want to just go with saying that you just love this book so much, then go for it.

But just ftr, four threads on any topic is excessive. did I let myself get sucked into this thread? I swore I wouldn't. :banghead:
Since this is really the first book about the cheer world, and Fierce Board is for "all things cheer", I posted so people can read it. Whether you like it or not. People in the cheer world NEED TO KNOW that this book was published and THIS IS GOING ON in SOME gyms.
And yes, my comments are excessive, because a girl is being blasted for telling her perspective on her experiences. Regardless of whether its in a book or not, regardless of any grammatical errors, and regardless if I know the author, THIS IS HOW SHE EXPERIENCED CHEER. At the end of the day, this actually happened. And it makes me really sad. Why? BECAUSE I LOVE CHEER. It makes me EXTREMELY upset that someone had such a bad experience in a sport that I LOVE to the extent of writing a book about it. It makes me EXTREMELY upset that there are bad gyms and bad coaches out there that go against EVERYTHING that the good gyms and good coaches work so hard to achieve.
Dear Author,

Congrats on finding a publisher for your book! Hope it all works out well!

Don't ever have the audacity to call "your world" "our world," because I can assure you, honey, our worlds are nothing alike.


The maturity level of these "parents" defending this book so fiercely is extremely low. We get it that you all are friends and family with the author, but take a deep breath and calm you are entitled to your opinions, so are we. THIS BOOK DOES NOTHING BUT HURT THE WORLD OF CHEER WE ALL LOVE SO MUCH AND DEFEND EVERYDAY!

Mamarazzi - so very well said..."your World" is ABSOLUTELY NOT "Our World"

I, I, I, I, I.

Sweeps entire cheer world into a stereotype.

I, I, I, but, I and I.

Begins intensive pot smoking training regimen.

I, I, I, I, I.

Uses poor grammar.

I, I, I, I, I.

Snuggles a puppy

I, I, I, I, I.

Possibly an alluded sex scene, but I was skipping to about every third sentence.

I, I, I, I, I.

Reveals purpose of book which is apparently to be "in a relationship" on Facebook.

I, therefore, I. (Just kidding! That's a long word!)
I am now friends on Facebook with the author. That is all. I am NO WAY related with ANYONE in this book. Nor am I related to ANYONE in all of Illinois.

Really because on facebook on Monday you posted the following . . .

Anyone looking for something to read? My really good friend Morgan Fairley wrote a book all about our cheer world! I'm SO proud of you Morgan and I can't wait to read all about your experiences and struggles with cheer

So is she really good friends with you or is she your facebook friend?
I am now really good friends with her, so both. What is blasting going to accomplish?
And is blasting the grammar and punctuation going to accomplish?

and I'm done now wasting my day arguing with people who jump from complaint to complaint. IT'S NOT GOING TO CHANGE ANYTHING.

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Since this is really the first book about the cheer world
Actually, there was a book about the Green Up County High School cheer team. Yeah, yeah, I know. high school not all star but it was a very good book and showed both the athletes and coaches perspective. Yes, it is about a high school team (a multiple time UCA national champion high school team) but I still think it is good book for all star cheerleaders/parents/whoever to read. It also shows the unglamorous side of cheer but it's done more tastefully than it sounds like this book does.
I am now really good friends with her, so both. What is blasting going to accomplish?
And is blasting the grammar and punctuation going to accomplish?

and I'm done now wasting my day arguing with people who jump from complaint to complaint. IT'S NOT GOING TO CHANGE ANYTHING.

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Well, I think that someone coming on here and pushing the book as a friend of the author is a lot different than someone pushing it because it's a great book.... That would influence my decision if I were looking to buy it.
Really because on facebook on Monday you posted the following . . .

Anyone looking for something to read? My really good friend Morgan Fairley wrote a book all about our cheer world! I'm SO proud of you Morgan and I can't wait to read all about your experiences and struggles with cheer

So is she really good friends with you or is she your facebook friend?
Hahaha called out. We have to best detectives here. I don't believe for a second you became really good friends after a few days in Facebook.

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