All-Star "cheer World" Book!!!!!

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She did make a dumb decision. Does she work in the industry? Because if she did before, she sure won't now. I wouldn't hire her, and I can't imagine any one I know involved with cheer would hire her. Why? She could go and write my name in a book and tell everyone everything I've ever done. It's extremely unprofessional, and many of the things she did in the book were extremely unprofessional. She called out gyms and discussed underage drinking at the owner's house and used names. She named another girl and implied that she was an online prostitute, and then wanted to go into business with her. Customers of a business were called out about their underage girls having sex with an instructor. Private conversations with gym owners having breakdowns exposed to their clients.

Hi-Phlyer21: You were mentioned in the book. You are now a coach. How did you feel about it?

I don't think this girl understands how this might not affect her, but it does other people. She thinks she is doing the right thing by blasting them in a book? The real world doesn't work like that.

I do not agree! Yes, she continues to work in the industry. Personally, I think it takes a lot of guts to publicly bring out your shortcomings but the very real problem that is plaguing this industry. I would think the only people hesitant to hire her would be those that do things that would not go over well in an industry that works with young kids. Quite honestly it surprises me that any coach would go on record to defend keeping such actions by other coaches and gym owners a secret. If this behavior was happening in the gym that you coach at, would you sweep it under the rug, would you ignore it or would you bring it out to, at a minimum, the owners to stop this behavior? Why should gym owners who act one way in public and a completely different way in private be protected? Why should someone who pretends to be sweet and honorable and loving, all the while disparaging paying customers and vendors behind their back be protected?

This is the problem with this industry, let's all pretend it doesn't exist. Let's keep protecting the bad coaches and gym owners that keep this industry from moving forward and being accepted. I will refer again to World's. Underage drinking is rampant and absolutely NOTHING is done about it! Nothing, even though there are very explicit rules spelled out in the packet that every person signs. Why is that? Every gym owner and coach who brings a team or teams to Worlds has a fiduciary duty to protect those athletes (most of whom are underage) and make sure that EVERYTHING they do is both legal and complimentary to your gym. It is the duty of the USASF to enforce the rules that they set. And it is total BS to use the excuses, "well some of these kids are seniors, so they will be gone, they don't care, so what can we do about it." and the best line I heard or read last year was "Us coaches who are over 21 just want time to ourselves to go out and have a couple of drinks and relax after the pressure of the weekend." and I am paraphrasing both sentences. If you do not know where your athletes (who have no parents present) are and what they are doing at all times during the World's weekend, you have failed as gym owners and coaches. The fact that this event takes place at a world renowned FAMILY orientated park makes it even worse. What is even funnier is that the USASF does not properly enforce the rules of Worlds, but they will defend to the end the rights of gym owners to hold athletes hostage for no other reason than to punish the athlete for daring to leave their gym.

I also wholeheartedly reject your notion that "the real world doesn't work like that." YES it does, it is called whistle blowing and it is about time someone steps up to the plate and starts exposing the bad apples that are ruining this industry.
I do not agree! Yes, she continues to work in the industry. Personally, I think it takes a lot of guts to publicly bring out your shortcomings but the very real problem that is plaguing this industry. I would think the only people hesitant to hire her would be those that do things that would not go over well in an industry that works with young kids. Quite honestly it surprises me that any coach would go on record to defend keeping such actions by other coaches and gym owners a secret. If this behavior was happening in the gym that you coach at, would you sweep it under the rug, would you ignore it or would you bring it out to, at a minimum, the owners to stop this behavior? Why should gym owners who act one way in public and a completely different way in private be protected? Why should someone who pretends to be sweet and honorable and loving, all the while disparaging paying customers and vendors behind their back be protected?

This is the problem with this industry, let's all pretend it doesn't exist. Let's keep protecting the bad coaches and gym owners that keep this industry from moving forward and being accepted. I will refer again to World's. Underage drinking is rampant and absolutely NOTHING is done about it! Nothing, even though there are very explicit rules spelled out in the packet that every person signs. Why is that? Every gym owner and coach who brings a team or teams to Worlds has a fiduciary duty to protect those athletes (most of whom are underage) and make sure that EVERYTHING they do is both legal and complimentary to your gym. It is the duty of the USASF to enforce the rules that they set. And it is total BS to use the excuses, "well some of these kids are seniors, so they will be gone, they don't care, so what can we do about it." and the best line I heard or read last year was "Us coaches who are over 21 just want time to ourselves to go out and have a couple of drinks and relax after the pressure of the weekend." and I am paraphrasing both sentences. If you do not know where your athletes (who have no parents present) are and what they are doing at all times during the World's weekend, you have failed as gym owners and coaches. The fact that this event takes place at a world renowned FAMILY orientated park makes it even worse. What is even funnier is that the USASF does not properly enforce the rules of Worlds, but they will defend to the end the rights of gym owners to hold athletes hostage for no other reason than to punish the athlete for daring to leave their gym.

I also wholeheartedly reject your notion that "the real world doesn't work like that." YES it does, it is called whistle blowing and it is about time someone steps up to the plate and starts exposing the bad apples that are ruining this industry.

Whoa girl. I am a gym owner and coach my teams. Don't assume what kind of coach and owner I am.
I have an issue with this girl calling people out by name in a book in which she is trying to make money. Do I think these things happen? Sure, but she is calling all of them out without an proof, nor is she giving them an opportunity to tell their side of the story. A cheerleader/coach that has been at 5 gyms in a few years? Come on. She (and her mother) sound like they are as much of the problem as these coaches and owners by sending nasty emails and acting like they are the ones that can do no wrong. There are mistakes on both sides.
Do I agree with coaches smoking and drinking with athletes? Really, do I even have to answer that? No, obviously not. But if you have an issue, you don't go writing a book about it. If you have an issue, go to the POLICE, not a publisher. That is how these things stop. In the meantime, you give people more reason to hate on our industry and crap to talk about. It's begging for attention, and not the good kind. I'm saying that as a coach/owner, I wouldn't hire her and I wouldn't want her associated with an company of mine and I have a feeling she has no idea what she has done to her career.
Whoa girl. I am a gym owner and coach my teams. Don't assume what kind of coach and owner I am.
I have an issue with this girl calling people out by name in a book in which she is trying to make money. Do I think these things happen? Sure, but she is calling all of them out without an proof, nor is she giving them an opportunity to tell their side of the story. A cheerleader/coach that has been at 5 gyms in a few years? Come on. She (and her mother) sound like they are as much of the problem as these coaches and owners by sending nasty emails and acting like they are the ones that can do no wrong. There are mistakes on both sides.
Do I agree with coaches smoking and drinking with athletes? Really, do I even have to answer that? No, obviously not. But if you have an issue, you don't go writing a book about it. If you have an issue, go to the POLICE, not a publisher. That is how these things stop. In the meantime, you give people more reason to hate on our industry and crap to talk about. It's begging for attention, and not the good kind. I'm saying that as a coach/owner, I wouldn't hire her and I wouldn't want her associated with an company of mine and I have a feeling she has no idea what she has done to her career.

I actually did not assume anything, I made a statement based on the statements of others. It appears that bad actions are being defended. Assumptions would be from those passing judgment on someone they do not know, have never met and have never worked with.

If you found out a coach of yours was contributing to the delinquency of a minor while in your employ, I would guess you would fire them on the spot and you would go to the police to report the illegal behavior? I am also wondering what would make you think there is no proof?

She chose to write her story as it has happened to her and call out the ugliness that goes with all the glitz and glitter.

Maybe what this book does is bring to the forefront serious problems with some that are allowed to work with children. Maybe it is time to do something to make sure that this does not continue.

Do you think that helicopters and police hovering over a FAMILY resort wasn't begging for attention of the wrong kind?

I think time will tell what she may or may not have done to her career, and it is not for those who do not know her to JUDGE! Instead there should be more focus on how to stop this illegal and very bad behavior!
I own my program and coach. I would hire her with zero doubt.
Why? Because I have FULL CONTROL over my program. I know all my athletes very well, I know all my parents very well. I don't tolerate these things. I had a crazy mom issue this season. I removed her and the athlete from the program.
At competitions, I know where my kids are at all times.
I have no problem hiring a "whistle blower". Go ahead, write a book about my cheer program. Use names. Because there's not a single negative thing that has happened that wasn't handled immediately.

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Naturally all the crazies come out of the woodwork now that this is being discussed. Which one of you wrote it? Because it's safe to assume it was one of the people that keep defending it on this thread. Not to mention, I'm sure the author used a fake name., so I'd love if someone outted the author.

WOW really....crazies! I did not write it, but know the author well. She not only used her real name, but her picture is on the cover as well. You know what they say about those that ASSume?

So bad things that go on in this industry isn't crazy, just the people that write about it or defend those that write about it? Well ok then!
I actually did not assume anything, I made a statement based on the statements of others. It appears that bad actions are being defended. Assumptions would be from those passing judgment on someone they do not know, have never met and have never worked with.

If you found out a coach of yours was contributing to the delinquency of a minor while in your employ, I would guess you would fire them on the spot and you would go to the police to report the illegal behavior? I am also wondering what would make you think there is no proof?

She chose to write her story as it has happened to her and call out the ugliness that goes with all the glitz and glitter.

Maybe what this book does is bring to the forefront serious problems with some that are allowed to work with children. Maybe it is time to do something to make sure that this does not continue.

Do you think that helicopters and police hovering over a FAMILY resort wasn't begging for attention of the wrong kind?

I think time will tell what she may or may not have done to her career, and it is not for those who do not know her to JUDGE! Instead there should be more focus on how to stop this illegal and very bad behavior!

BAD PEOPLE HAPPEN TO EVERY SINGLE SPORT. This crusade you're on trying to say how she's just telling her story and we should commend her for it, is absolutely RIDICULOUS. There are kids that are going to make bad decisions, IT'S CALLED BEING A TEENAGER. There are coaches/owners/parents that are BAD PEOPLE. THAT IS LIFE. IT HAPPENS. Stop trying to make it sound like Cheerleading is this huge mess of a problem. EVERY SPORT has this stuff happening. ::End Rant::
I wish I was the author- then I could proudly say I have my standing full. And im in no way related to the author. i live in Florida (you can see that from my....whats its called...oh yeah, IP address) But nope. I'm a 30 year old mom.....with morals. If defending someone else who has morals makes me a crazie then ill shimmy that.

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Ok, last thing and then I'm done because it's IL drama and it's always off the deep end... If these people are horrible and she bashes these coaches and says she doesn't like them, WHY would her fiance be cheering there? You can't go write a book and call people out by name, and then be on their side supporting them. You just can't have it both ways.
If you just admitting that there are bad coaches out there, are you also saying you're okay with that? Do you have kids? How would you like a coach like that coaching YOUR kid? You wanna see what a real crazie is? Go ahead and smoke a joint before stunting with my kid.
There's a word for people who ignore things like this- it's called negligence. And negligence can actually put you in jail. What if a coach got high, dropped a flyer and the kid ended up paralyzed??? There's been enough serious injuries without the substance abuse. The the coach ends up in jail over it. And it's all over the news. And the story came outta nowhere because people were hush about it? THAT WOULD MAKE THE INDUSTRY LOOK BAD.

Y'all have no problem bashing Varsity al day long for doing things, but you are blasting one girl for saying that pot smoking while stunting is bad? Give me a break!!!!

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BAD PEOPLE HAPPEN TO EVERY SINGLE SPORT. This crusade you're on trying to say how she's just telling her story and we should commend her for it, is absolutely RIDICULOUS. There are kids that are going to make bad decisions, IT'S CALLED BEING A TEENAGER. There are coaches/owners/parents that are BAD PEOPLE. THAT IS LIFE. IT HAPPENS. Stop trying to make it sound like Cheerleading is this huge mess of a problem. EVERY SPORT has this stuff happening. ::End Rant::
She actually does write in the book that she thinks that this happens in different sports and not just cheer.
If you just admitting that there are bad coaches out there, are you also saying you're okay with that? Do you have kids? How would you like a coach like that coaching YOUR kid? You wanna see what a real crazie is? Go ahead and smoke a joint before stunting with my kid.
There's a word for people who ignore things like this- it's called negligence. And negligence can actually put you in jail. What if a coach got high, dropped a flyer and the kid ended up paralyzed??? There's been enough serious injuries without the substance abuse. The the coach ends up in jail over it. And it's all over the news. And the story came outta nowhere because people were hush about it? THAT WOULD MAKE THE INDUSTRY LOOK BAD.

Y'all have no problem bashing Varsity al day long for doing things, but you are blasting one girl for saying that pot smoking while stunting is bad? Give me a break!!!!

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I NEVER CONDONED IT. Stop putting words in my mouth. Of course- Nobody should be ok with bad coaches, but it happens! If you're aware of it, remove yourself from the situation. Rally parents, call the police, file a law suit, there are ways around the problem. These are ISOLATED PROBLEMS. Writing a book as an "expose" on the cheer world and trying to make them seem like regular occurances is RIDICULOUS.
Well, that's a good question Tamara, here's my thoughts...

Im almost 30 years old. For me, I have to cheer at a gym that offers an i5 team. Right now, there's only 1 in my area. Regardless of what I think about the gym, it's either that or don't cheer.

***that doesn't mean I think my local gym is bad, I'm just using my situation as a comparison.

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