i think awesomenesstv captured what goes on at gyms across the country. both positive and finally the negative. thats a given in competative sports. theyve caught people being positive and theyve finally caught them being salty. blood wasnt shed.
Now I see it. It seems to be making sense now.
Your endless posts that seemed to defend Smoed and their actions or inactions. It has all been specific with many details that only someone close to the situation would be privy to. But in reading them all there was always just a touch of, I don't know, "generic" or something. It has been so off because you seemed to be in support of the Smoed side but there has never been a full on commitment. I never felt you were a parent because honestly the arguments/rebuttals in your posts have been intelligent but without the "parent" touch that any parent would not be able to completely abandon in this situation. Clearly you aren't an athlete in the gym because you made comment to your higher education degree. Then I really was thinking you were a coach at that gym. Maybe even one of the Smoed coaches but that didn't make sense either. I'm certain that they are extremely busy and while I believe they peruse this board on occasion they simply can't afford to spend the time with it like you do.
Your statement above regarding Awesomeness TV is a potential "Tell Tale (Heart)" sign. How does that heartbeat sound to you? Methinks you don't hear it yet because you truly feel that you or Awesomness TV has done nothing wrong. In fact I would be willing to wager that you believe quite the opposite. You believe that you and Awesomness TV have simply "revealed" how did you say it "what goes on at gyms across the country. both positive and finally the negative. that's a given in competitive sports." You are the one that generally posts the new episodes on the show here. You have actively fueled the fire on this board in regards to the show. You seem to comment in just the right way to stir the pot but then you never ever seem to become even just a tad bit irritated with any snarky comeback or rebuttal. How could that be? How could anyone close enough to the program to know the things you post not be in some way emotionally attached to the whole situation? I'll propose one possibility: you are in some way associated with the production of the show.
So I'm calling you out. You can hide behind your incredibly vain, narcissist avatar that you probably chose because you think it says "I am observing you. I am deciding what I think of you but you are not as good as I am. You are not as intelligent as I am. You are not as strong as I am." You can hide behind your avatar and your equally vain (for the exact same reasons) screen name or you can share how you have all that insider information about this entire fiasco and for once, FOR ONCE put your money where your mouth is.
Or you can continue to remain anonymous as that is your right.
You can do as you like.
You are not the most knowledgeable, intelligent person on this board. You are not the guru come to lesser ones to show them the light. You are not the revealer of knowledge, truth, or wisdom. We are not sheep patiently allowing you to corral us in until you steer us this way or that to your delight.
Perhaps you are not associated with the production of the show but everything I just said is dead on. Honestly I hope that you are associated with the production of the show because while that would not negate the fact that you appear to hold yourself and your comments in the highest regards it would offer some pitiful excuse for your psycho-babble, open-ended, "what do you mean by that?", stir the pot comments. Otherwise you are simply a troll.