I have to respond to the maturity level of this team... Many of the athletes are young, but at the same time, many of them grew up in the program... When I watched the program, I knew when Leibys and Courtney talked about dating they were merely talking of puppy love wishful type dating and even my daughter (age 8 at the time) laughed because she was on the same team and when this dating happened the two were like 10... But I loved seeing those young people because they are very innocent and the nicest children in the world...Especially, the boys on this squad and I am happy to see that the boys are finally getting a chance to go to Worlds...
PS: I may get a tad bit emotional, who am I kidding, angry! Because you are talking about extremely nice young people and are not putting on an act because of the cameras...Go Team Gunz!!! Still wished Kola and Miranda were there, BooHoo!