All-Star Cheerleaders Season 4: Jersey

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I don't think it's the same guy. Now I don't know much about the military but I'm pretty sure you can't just be like "hey marines, my old cheer team needs an extra person so I'm just gonna take a few months off okay?" So he must've already been back, not "coming back for the team". Background information here would be fabulous

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Lol - yeah, maybe basic training wasn't physically demanding enough, so he decided to go AWOL and cheer instead. I'm sure our country will understand.
I personally think when an athlete tumbles into a wall, that's a sign that there is a safety issue w/ your facility - gosh. Aren't there rules that there needs to be at least so much space between the end of your spring floor and any walls? I believe that in order to host a gymnastics meet above a certain level (which I think is level 8 where twisting starts) you must have a required amount of space between the end of your floor and any immovable object. It's just not safe to have kids doing double fulls that close to a wall - and that video of him hitting that wall shows why!

Also, I thought it was kind of mean how she was saying that stuff like the guy wasn't eager enough to get back out there - it just reminded me of the "I knew he wasn't going to make it" crap that Orby said about that one guy who left cause he was homesick. Like geesh, the guy hits his head tumbling cause you don't have enough space after the end of your mat and a brick wall, and you're implying he's undedicated cause he doesn't want to get right back out there and do it again - he's got a head injury/possible concussion. I hope the kid is okay and finds somewhere else to cheer this season when he's better if they really replaced him like that.
I personally think when an athlete tumbles into a wall, that's a sign that there is a safety issue w/ your facility - gosh. Aren't there rules that there needs to be at least so much space between the end of your spring floor and any walls? I believe that in order to host a gymnastics meet above a certain level (which I think is level 8 where twisting starts) you must have a required amount of space between the end of your floor and any immovable object. It's just not safe to have kids doing double fulls that close to a wall - and that video of him hitting that wall shows why!

It's hard, because you can put spring floor from wall to wall which reduces risk of tripping of the edge/landing on concrete/twisted ankles or you can move it away from the wall and reduce the risk of running into a wall. Its pretty uncommon to tumble in to a wall... I'd rather have wall to wall spring floor than worry about landing in the gap between between the end of the spring floor and the wall. When there's a wall you learn to be careful about your spacing and leave plenty of room. And nobody on my team has ever gone OOB in eight years bc we don't use the whole floor so it's not an issue :) I don't think it's an issue with the facility. It was a fluke - I'm sure he's done that a million times, the reason he hit the wall was he went sideways in his whip. And this is coming from someone who has tumbled into stuff before :)

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Finally caught up with this episode.

I have nothing but respect for our military, CP wore her dad's branch on her sleeve for 2 years, and this episode peeve of mine.

Loved that it showed cheering, but I think I finally figured out my hang up...Patti Ann, I love you, but you're like a robot. I'm sure it's editing and how questions are being asked, but I want to see her appear human---I know she can be.

Excited that they got a paid bid though.
It would have been nice is they gave us a little back story like:
(Speaking as Pattie Ann) With the boys spots being very much up in the air I got into contact with an alumni, Aj. He left us last year to join tv Marien's and he's now back because <insert reason here> I'm just waiting to hear back from him

Just MHO. I like that it's a lot closer to real time then Smoed was
I felt the kids who were interviewed seemed very immature and like they were acting over the top on purpose in order to be more interesting (when it had the opposite affect).

you must be the voice in my head because I was legit thinking the exact same. Cant deal with it -- seems too fake. They really look like they're trying too hard and trying to make it into "Cheer" again. Its not going to happen.
you must be the voice in my head because I was legit thinking the exact same. Cant deal with it -- seems too fake. They really look like they're trying too hard and trying to make it into "Cheer" again. Its not going to happen.

The same producer who made every episode of Cheer for CMT is making these for AwesomenessTV. I'm guessing he can make it into anything he wants without having to "try too hard" to recreate something.
The same producer who made every episode of Cheer for CMT is making these for AwesomenessTV. I'm guessing he can make it into anything he wants without having to "try too hard" to recreate something.

Just an-- opinion everyones entitled to it .. youuu need a chill pill :chillpill::)
you must be the voice in my head because I was legit thinking the exact same. Cant deal with it -- seems too fake. They really look like they're trying too hard and trying to make it into "Cheer" again. Its not going to happen.

No, I'm not upset or anything. Just stating a fact. Of course you are entitled to an opinion. It's just that yours would be more believable if it wasn't the complete opposite of what it was in 2012. After the Jersey Cheer pilot and in the months leading up the premier of Cheer, there were more than a handful of people on here who didn't have many nice things to write. However, I remember you staunchly defending Patty Ann, CJA, and the show itself. You basically told everyone to chill out for having the same opinion that you, strangely, now have.
No, I'm not upset or anything. Just stating a fact. Of course you are entitled to an opinion. It's just that yours would be more believable if it wasn't the complete opposite of what it was in 2012. After the Jersey Cheer pilot and in the months leading up the premier of Cheer, there were more than a handful of people on here who didn't have many nice things to write. However, I remember you staunchly defending Patty Ann, CJA, and the show itself. You basically told everyone to chill out for having the same opinion that you, strangely, now have.

Oh ok good, didnt want to upset you. I totally thought Cheer was a great show, never said otherwise -- well produced, well thought out, well executed the whole 9 no doubt. I dont know what you're talking about with 2012 though, dont even know Patty Ann. But anyways, Like I said, loved cheer. New show, not so much. To me, personally, they're trying to make it like "Cheer" for YouTube but its not coming out that way, and it doesnt have that polished finished to it like the other show did.
Oh ok good, didnt want to upset you. I totally thought Cheer was a great show, never said otherwise -- well produced, well thought out, well executed the whole 9 no doubt. I dont know what you're talking about with 2012 though, dont even know Patty Ann. But anyways, Like I said, loved cheer. New show, not so much. To me, personally, they're trying to make it like "Cheer" for YouTube but its not coming out that way, and it doesnt have that polished finished to it like the other show did.

It's a shoestring budget for an 8-minute episode versus a cable TV budget for an hour show. Of course the "finish" won't be as glossy and packaged.

This is besides the point, but for someone who doesn't know Patty Ann, you sure could've fooled me. Here is one of your posts from '12 where you responded to someone who felt she might have an issue with how she was portrayed. All of your posts are archived. Go read them if you'd like.

I couldn't see her having an issue with it, because that is how she is. Her love for the kids in her organization is unreal. Each and every child that walks into that gym has a piece of her heart. And no matter what reality show you're watching, they're always going to show the good guy/bad guy side of things. But with her everything is cut and dry, no grey area. I can guarenteeyou that in almost every cheerleading organization across the world a coach has gotten upset with his or her athletes, who hasn't? And that is where the "bad guy" persona stems from, but at the end of the day it all comes down to love.. When a parent yells at their child for doing something wrong that doesn't mean that they stop loving them. They just got upset at something that the child shouldn't have done.thats how it clearly is in the cheerleading world.. Or any sport for that matter.... But we also can't forget that reality tv is not 100% reality in ANY aspect. Production companies have the people on the show act here and there just to make for better television.
It's a shoestring budget for an 8-minute episode versus a cable TV budget for an hour show. Of course the "finish" won't be as glossy and packaged.

This is besides the point, but for someone who doesn't know Patty Ann, you sure could've fooled me. Here is one of your posts from '12 where you responded to someone who felt she might have an issue with how she was portrayed. All of your posts are archived. Go read them if you'd like.

I couldn't see her having an issue with it, because that is how she is. Her love for the kids in her organization is unreal. Each and every child that walks into that gym has a piece of her heart. And no matter what reality show you're watching, they're always going to show the good guy/bad guy side of things. But with her everything is cut and dry, no grey area. I can guarenteeyou that in almost every cheerleading organization across the world a coach has gotten upset with his or her athletes, who hasn't? And that is where the "bad guy" persona stems from, but at the end of the day it all comes down to love.. When a parent yells at their child for doing something wrong that doesn't mean that they stop loving them. They just got upset at something that the child shouldn't have done.thats how it clearly is in the cheerleading world.. Or any sport for that matter.... But we also can't forget that reality tv is not 100% reality in ANY aspect. Production companies have the people on the show act here and there just to make for better television.

I know theyre archived lol I read them .. Just because I know about her doesnt mean I know her personally.. ? idk.. but regardless, I standby my opinion, as everyone does, cheer was produced better and yes it had the same producer and production company as the new show. new show is trying too hard to be cheer, and isnt as polished. im done, end of story. :deadhorse:
I know theyre archived lol I read them .. Just because I know about her doesnt mean I know her personally.. ? idk.. but regardless, I standby my opinion, as everyone does, cheer was produced better and yes it had the same producer and production company as the new show. new show is trying too hard to be cheer, and isnt as polished. im done, end of story. :deadhorse:


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