All-Star Cheerleaders Season 4: Jersey

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Curious to see if anyone's opinions changed with the second episode... as you get to meet our athletes and learn more about them than you did in the first episode. Hoping you all fall in love with them as you get to know them, they are all truly great kids. I believe you will get more of AJ's back story in the next episode! Hope you all continue to watch, the support of the fierceboard is appreciated!

Omg - another episode where she blames an athlete for their injury - last time the kid wrecks into the wall (and I still feel that is very unsafe for her to have the floor go right up to a wall w/ that level of tumbling - it's hard for me to watch those kids tumble in a situation like that), this time a girl gets kicked hard in the back of the head - and she brushes it off like its nothing. Then later the girl is complaining of dizziness (hello - could be a concussion) and she yells at her because she was injured before (I wonder if her "boo boos" we're broken bones or something?). This is NOT a good image to give of cheerleading - I would not want my child being in the care of a coach who yells at her when she says she's dizzy after being kicked in the back of the head when I'm not around. Gosh - it's a case for parents needing to be at the gym cause I would have taken her out of there and to a doctor when she said she was dizzy (and PA even mocked her for thinking about going to a doctor). Wow. If that girl was my CP, she'd be pulled from that gym now - you don't make my kid feel guilty and brush off a possible head injury and think you're gonna have my trust from then on.

And the situation w/ that guy and the marines is just odd - most kids have a hard enough time balancing school cheer w/ all star cheer, this guy is gonna try and do it w/ military service. Lol.

PA really came off as very, very mean and uncaring in this episode.

And I'm sorry, those kids can't tumble anywhere near as good as SMOED - I'm kind of confused how they placed higher than them at NCA, but I guess SMOED's deductions added up and dropped them down.
I understand wanting athletes to push through minor things, but pushing through a possible concussion is not safe. It's not worth an athlete having brain damage for the rest of their lives. And having her go fullout when she's dizzy is ridiculous. It puts not only her but the rest of the team in danger. The thought of someone basing or backspotting while dizzy from a head injury makes me cringe. This show is just making our sport look bad. I don't mind "tough love" coaching, but this is too much.

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I met PA years ago and while I know there is more to her than you see on camera... that episode definitely had me raising an eyebrow and would seriously have me questioning putting my (hypothetical) child in an environment that could potentially put them in danger.

at least the smoed show had a season or two of positive before the decline started. this is just starting out bad. all publicity is not good publicity, people.
I was equally disturbed how AJ pushed her head forward hard as if they merely thought that Courtney was over exaggerating her injuries... But remembering the CMT show Cheer, this is commonly done behavior...Look how Jackie was treated and was made to feel weak, if you whine about pain... Many times these athletes, such as Jackie wants to be Captain and if they complain about pain will be put down and told they will never be a Captain or veteran (team leader) thrown in their face... (denial of leadership positions)

PS: There is a lot that is not shown because of the cameras... I know give me some dislikes and try to kill the messenger, but the message will still be the same...I stop my ranting now!
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I was equally disturbed how AJ pushed her head forward hard as if they merely thought that Courtney was over exaggerating her injuries... But remembering the CMT show Cheer, this is commonly done behavior...Look how Jackie was treated and was made to feel weak, if you whine about pain... Many times these athletes, such as Jackie wants to be Captain and if they complain about pain will be put down and told they will never be a Captain or veteran (team leader) thrown in their face... (denial of leadership positions)

PS: There is a lot that is not shown because of the cameras... I know give me some dislikes and try to kill the messenger, but the message will still be the same...I stop my ranting now!

Honestly I thought it was her flipping her head forward but that whole thing was a little disturbing. Granted I've been hit in the head and it was by my flyer but if I had felt dizzy my butt would have been sat down and my mum would have possibly been called as well
I'm done with this series.

Pushing an athlete with a concussion...done.

I liked Patti Ann, I loved Cheer on CMT. I was happy to see them place well at NCA and I hope they do well at World's, but this episode sealed the deal...AwesomenessTV went from bad to worse in a situation where I didn't think worse was possible.
im almost positive she flipped her head down on her own, his hand barely touched the back of her head. but i also dont get why he would come back and then after im guessing one practice? says he cant compete cause of the military commitment. kinda pointless to ask someone to come back who has all that going on... does anyone know if he went to NCA with them.

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